摘 要
本次研究共记录52科96属102种植物,包括裸子植物5科7属7种,被子植物47科89属95种,其中单子叶植物8科17属19种,双子叶植物39科72属76种。并对植物进行分析,优势树种为杉科Taxodiaceae、杨柳科Salicaceae、榆科Ulmaceae、桑科Moraceae、苋科Amaranthaceae、商陆科Phytolaccaceae、毛茛科Ranunculaceae、小檗科 Berberidaceae、茄科Solanaceae、百合科Liliaceae、唇形科Labiatae、天南星科Araceae、莎草科Cyperaceae。
Investigation on Plant Community and Resources of Coastal Tidal Flat in Lianyungang
Coastal tidal flats play an important role in economic development. In this study, Lianyungang coast was used as the research area, and the wetland tidal flat plant resources were investigated and investigated to investigate the diversity of plant communities and resources.
In this study, a total of 52 families of 96 genera and 102 species of plants were selected, including 7 species of 5 genera and 5 genera of gymnosperms, including 95 genera of 49 genera and 47 genera, 49 genera of 72 families of dicotyledon, 19 species. And the plants were analyzed, the dominant species were Taxaceaeaeae, Salicaceae, Ulmaceae, Amaranthaceae, Phytolaccaceae, Ranunculaceae, Berberidaceae, Solanaceae, Liliaceae , Labiatae, Araceae, Cyperaceae, Cyperaceae.
In addition, the research also puts forward the practical countermeasures for the selection and rational application of the coastal tidal flat resources in Lianyungang, strengthens the reasonable development of some marine vegetables and creates certain economic value, and strengthens the quality of some salt- Use, to protect and improve the coastal beach wetlands, both to enrich the current lack of comprehensive investigation of Lianyungang plants, but also for later scholars on the study of plant communities to provide a biological basis.
Key words: Lianyungang coast; wetland beach; plant community; plant resources
目 录
1绪论 1
1.1研究概况 1
1.1.1滩涂的概念 1
1.1.2连云港地区概况 1
1.1.3国内研究现状 1
1.1.4国外研究近况 2
1.2研究目的与意义 2
2研究的内容和方法 4
2.1研究的内容 4
2.2研究的方法 4
2.2.1文献参考法 4
2.2.2实地调查法 4
2.2.3数理统计 4
3数据分析 5
3.1植物区系组成及分析 5
3.1.1植物科的组成及分析 5
3.1.2属的组成分析 6
3.2植物资源的分类 6
3.2.1药用植物资源 6野菜植物资源 7野果植物资源 7
3.2.2食用植物资源 7
3.2.3芳香油植物资源 7
3.2.4观赏植物资源 8观花植物资源 8观果观叶植物资源 8
3.2.5环境保护植物资源 9
3.3植物资源筛选与应用 9
3.3.1海水蔬菜资源 9
3.3.2耐盐药用植物 10
3.3.3耐盐棉花种质资源 10
结论 12
致谢 13
参考文献 14
附录 15
1 绪论