摘 要
Effects of felling measures on soil organic carbon in Cunninghamia lanceolata Plantation in Yongfeng, Jiangxi Province
It is mainly to study the characteristics of soil organic carbon accumulation under thinning and to provide theoretical basis for forest soil carbon storage management.The research object of 0~60cm soil layer soil, comparative analysis of different thinning measures of soil organic carbon content and organic carbon density and the characteristics of the vertical distribution and further analysis the correlation of soil physical and chemical properties and organic carbon.The content of organic carbon in soil under two treatments was higher after thinning than that without thinning.Soil organic carbon and soil organic carbon density showed moderate variation at different soil depth.Both soil organic carbon content and density tended to decrease with the increase of soil depth, and accounted for more than 50% in 0-40cm soil layers.The fitting curve of organic carbon content (x) and organic carbon density (y) showed an increasing trend in determining coefficient and slope with the increase of soil depth, and there was a significant positive correlation between them.There was also a significant positive correlation between soil organic carbon content and soil total nitrogen.There was a significant negative correlation between organic carbon content and density of organic carbon and bulk density.So we draw the conclusion: the distribution of soil organic carbon in surface soil, but will affect the physical properties such as soil bulk density of soil organic carbon accumulation leads to loss of organic carbon, the underlying soil organic carbon content is less, but less susceptible to the influence of these factors and organic carbon stable, easy to accumulate.
Key words:soil organic carbon;soil organic carbon density;vertical distribution;correlation analysis
目 录
1 研究背景 1
1.1 研究目的与意义 1
1.2 研究概况 1
1.2.1 杉木概况 1
1.2.2 土壤有机碳的作用与影响 2
1.2.3 对土壤有机碳产生影响的因子 3
1.2.4 土壤有机碳与化学指标的关系 5
2 研究地与研究方法 5
2.1 研究地概况 5
2.2 研究方法 6
2.2.1 样品采集 6
2.2.2 分析项目与方法 7
2.3.3 数据处理方法 7
3 结果与分析 8
3.1 样地植被群落调查 8
3.1.1 植被群落调查及指标测定 8
3.1.2 主要植被群落特征分析 9
3.2 杉木人工林土壤有机碳 10
3.2.1 杉木人工林土壤有机碳含量不同土层分布规律 10
3.2.2 杉木人工林土壤有机碳密度不同土层分布规律 10
3.2.3 杉木人工林土壤有机碳密度与有机碳含量的关系 11
3.3 杉木人工林土壤有机碳含量与土壤理化性质 12
3.3.1 杉木人工林土壤有机碳含量与土壤理化学性质的相关性 12
3.3.2 不同容重与土壤有机碳含量的相关性 13
4 结论与讨论 14
4.1 不同经营管理措施对土壤有机碳分布的影响 14
4. 2 土壤有机碳的不同土层分布特征 14
4. 3 土壤有机碳的影响因子 15
致谢 16
参考文献 17
1 研究背景
- 研究目的与意义
1.2 研究概况
1.2.1 杉木概况
杉木(Cunninghamia lanceolata)树种是我国独有的速生型用材树种之一。其特性为生长周期短,木材材质优良,单位面积产量高,分布范围广泛,是我国最重要的商品用材品种之一。杉木在我国的栽培历史已有1000多年,其生长状况跟环境息息相关,需满足年平均降雨量至少到达1300毫米,年平均气温在16摄氏度以上,而且对土壤要求较高,不仅要肥沃还要疏松同时有良好的排水性能;另外坡度也会对杉木的生长产生影响。绝大多数林场或林农都会选择杉木作为首选树种,因为其生长周期短,材质好,产生的经济效益较高。对于杉木生长的环境选择尤为重要,气温、降水、干湿度、土壤性质等都有较高要求,土质为红壤、棕壤、黄壤土的丘陵地区或岗地较为适合杉木生长[5]。