
 2021-04-27 08:04

摘 要



A Soil and Water Conservation Program at the Guzao villiage in the Wanying town


Water and soil erosion control has become a major and urgent strategic task in China at present. At the same time, the promulgation and implementation of the new water and soil conservation law also put forward higher requirements for the project establishment. New soil and water maintain method to further strengthen the soil and water conservation scheme of the legal status, clear water and soil conservation program approval is the water administrative departments of an independent administrative licensing matters, further established the water administrative department of soil and water conservation program management function. Compiling and implementing soil and water conservation plan is an important means to carry out a series of laws and policies, such as water and soil conservation law, to implement the "three simultaneous" system of soil and water conservation, and to prevent and control soil erosion and to speed up the construction of ecological civilization. In this paper, a case study of soil and water conservation in Wanying Town is taken as an example. By calculating the total land area of the project and digging the total amount of soil, the total soil and water loss is forecasted and the corresponding soil and water conservation measures are designed and arranged. According to the soil and water conservation plan The implementation of soil and water conservation program, can effectively control the project area within the scope of control of soil erosion.

Key words:soil and water conservation table; Amount of water and soilloss; soil and water conservation measures

目 录

1 文献综述 1

1.1 国内外同类研究概况 1

1.2研究目的及意义 1

2水土保持方案制度的发展历程 2

2.1水土保持方案制度的起源 2

2.2水土保持方案制度的完善 3

3新水土保持法的解读 4

3.1 强调政绩问责 4

3.1.1要求政府加强统一领导 4

3.1.2纳入国民经济社会发展规划 4

3.1.3 实行责任制和考核奖惩制度 5

3.1.4 进一步明确水行政主管部门和其他有关部门的水土保持职责 5

3.2加大生态修复力度,强化了特殊区域的禁止性和限制性规定 5

3.2.1 对生态修复力度的加强 5

3.2.2 对生态脆弱区的禁止性或限制性规定 5

3.2.3 对崩塌、滑坡和泥石流易发区的禁止性规定 6

3.2.4 对生态敏感区的限制性规定 6

3.2.5 25°以上陡坡地禁止开垦种植农作物 6

3.3强化了水土保持方案制度 6

3.3.1 明确水行政主管部门审批生产建设项目水土保持方案 6

3.3.2 合理界定方案编报范围和对象 6

3.3.3 加强管理水土保持方案变更 7

4案例说明 7

致谢 7

参考文献 8

§1 项目概况 10

1.1 建设背景 10

1.2 项目概述 10

1.3 建设地点及周边地区概况 11

1.3.1 自然条件 11

1.3.2 项目建设地点 12

1.3.3 周边概况 12

1.3.4 水土流失现状 13

1.4 项目占地 13

§2 编制总则 16

2.1编制目的 16

2.2 编制依据 16

2.3 编制原则 17

2.4 编制阶段、方案设计水平年及服务期 17

§3 水土流失预测 18

3.1 土壤流失统计时段 18

3.2 土壤流失量计算 18

3.2.1 扰动原地貌、损坏原地表和植被面积 18

3.2.2 损坏水土保持设施 18

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