
 2021-04-27 09:04

摘 要

Sasaella kongosanensis ‘Aureostriatus’)为研究材料,对花序形态结构、花粉萌发等内容进行了详细的观察和研究,其结果表明:(1)黄条金刚竹开花盛期一般为3月份至5月份,每个花序上有4-7个小穗,每个小穗长约3.6-5.3cm,每一个小穗具有7-9朵小花,每个小花具内稃、外稃各1枚,3枚浆片,6枚雄蕊,1枚雌蕊,柱头稍短,为短花柱型;(2)盛花期时小花内外稃张开,小花器官的生长顺序为:外稃→内稃→浆片→雄蕊→雌蕊。单朵小穗上小花由下自上顺序开花,单一小穗上自第一朵小花开放直至全部开放需要4-7d,单朵小花自花药微露直至内外稃闭合需要11-13h;(3)黄条金刚竹花粉的最佳培养基是20mg/L硼酸 150g/L蔗糖 294mg/L CaCl2·2H2O培养3h,达39.81% 。最佳萌发时间为上午9时,最适储藏条件为4℃下的湿藏条件;这些结果为研究竹类植物开花生物学特性和萌发率积累了详实的数据资料,并为开展竹类植物的杂交育种工作提供了重要的参考资料。


Studies on Flower Morphology and Pollen Vitality of

Sasaella kongosanensis ‘Aureostriatus’

Abstract: In this paper, series of important stages in sexual reproduction of Sasaella kongosanensis ‘Aureostriatus’ were investigated in details, which included flowering morphology, the pollen germination. The results are as follows: (1) The inflorescence of Sasaella kongosanensis ‘Aureostriatusis mixed inflorescence, the flowering period is generally from March to May. The inflorescence consists of 4-7 spikelets, each spikelet is 3.6-5.3cm; each spikelet had 7-9 florets. Each floret included a lemma, a pelea, three lodicules, six stamens and a pistil with short style. (2) Palea and lemma open when flowering. The order of the organogenensis of a flower is as follows: lemma, palea, lodicule, stamens and pistil. The flowers bloomed from bottom to top in turn on each inflorescence, and also on the spikelet. The flower period is 4-7 days from the bottom one to the top one at the same spikelet, and each floret need 11-13 hours to bloom; (3) the pollen germination rate reached the highest after being incubated for 3 hours on the media supplemented with 150g/L sucrose and 20mg/L Boric acid and 294mg/L CaCl2·2H2O. The appropriate germination time is 9 am, and it should be reserved well under 4 centigrade with wet condition. All the results provide fundamental information for the biological characteristics of bamboos.

Key words Sasaella kongosanensis ‘Aureostriatus’; floral morphogenesis; pollen; pollen germination rate;

目 录

前言 4

1.1 竹类植物开花结实现象 4

1.2 花器构造:花序和小花 5

1.3 花粉活力 6

1.4 研究目的与意义 7

2材料与方法 8

2.1实验材料 8

2.2 实验方法 8

2.2.1花形态 8

2.2.2花粉形态观察 8

2.2.3花粉萌发 9

3 结果与分析 10

3.1花序、小穗及小花形态 10

3.2 小花结构 10

3.3 小穗开花进程 10

3.4小花开花动态 10

3.5 黄条金刚竹花粉特征 11

3.6花粉萌发时间确定 11

3.7 花粉萌发最适培养基的确定 12

3.8 花粉萌发率日变化比较 13

3.9 不同储藏条件和储藏时间下花粉萌发率变化 13

4结论与讨论 15

4.1黄条金刚竹花序及小穗的特点 15

4.2 黄条金刚竹花柱类型 15

4.3 花粉形态 16

4.4 花粉活力与萌发率 16

参考文献 17

致谢 21



1.1 竹类植物开花结实现象


我国人民很早就观察到了竹子开花的普遍现象。竹子花期不稳定,有的一生只有1次,有的一生会有很多次。一生1次开花的竹种,花后全丛或全林死亡,然后天然下种更新恢复,如撑篙竹(Bambusa pervariabilis)、毛竹(Phyllostachys edulis)等。也有全林枯死后,个别的地下茎仍可以抽出更新鞭,长出更新竹如桂竹(Ph.bambusoides)等。而一生能多次开花的竹种在每次开花后都能抽出新竹秆,继续营养生长。也有的出笋长竹与开花结实同步进行,连续不间断。竹开花有的零星散生,有的成片成群,甚至仅有少数枝条能在单株竹秆上开花结实,另外有一部分枝条换叶更新。

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