摘 要
在江苏省宿迁市泗阳县选择当地8种典型的土地经营模式:纯杨树经营、纯农田经营、杨树 小麦复合经营、杨树 雪菜复合经营、杨树 油菜复合经营、杨树 蒲公英复合经营、杨树 天南星复合经营、杨树 草鸡复合经营,比较不同经营模式下土壤重金属Pb含量的差异。
为更好地了解不同土层中四种形态铅含量的变化规律,运用BCR四步提取法对0-10cm、10-20cm、20-40cm三个土层的重金属铅形态进行提取与测定。结果表明,8种经营模式下,土壤中铅各赋存形态的含量高低顺序大多呈现为残渣态gt;有机物结合态gt;Fe/Mn结合态gt;可交换态;土壤pH值、电导率、全氮含量、全磷含量等理化性质影响作物生长;土壤化学性质与不同形态重金属Pb含量之间存在着一定线性关系;复合经营模式的综合效益都要优于单一的纯杨或者纯农模式,杨树 油菜复合经营模式较好,值得推广。
Study on soil heavy metal content in different poplar-crop agroforestry managements
We selected several typical patterns of poplar agroforestry management including pure poplar plantation, pure farmland, poplar and wheat compound management, poplar and potherb mustard compound management, poplar and rape compound management, poplar and dandelion compound management, poplar and Rhizoma arisaematis compound management and poplar and chicken compound management in Siyang county Jiangsu province, and the heavy metal (Pb) content in soil of different management modes was compared.
Extraction and determination of heavy metal Pb in three soil layers of 0-10cm, 10-20cm and 20-40cm were carried out by using BCR four step extraction method. The results show that: Under different management models, the order of the content of Pb in soil mostly appears as residue state gt; organic matter bound state gt; Fe/Mn combined state gt; exchangeable state. pH of soil, electrical conductivity, total nitrogen content, total phosphorus content and other physical and chemical properties affect the possibility of heavy metals entering plants; There is a linear relationship between the soil chemical properties and the content of Pb in different forms. The comprehensive benefits of the compound management modes are better than that of the single pure poplar or pure wheat mode. The poplar and rape compound management is better and could be popularized.
Key words: Poplar-crop agroforestry; Poplar; Lead; Speciation of heavy metal
目 录
前 言 1
1 综述 2
1.1林农复合经营 2
1.1.1林农复合经营概念 2
1.1.2林农复合经营类型划分 2
1.1.3林农复合经营发展潜力 2
1.2 杨农复合经营 3
1.2.1选择杨树的原因 3
1.2.2 杨农复合经营研究现状 3
1.3土壤重金属污染 4
1.3.1土壤重金属污染的种类 4
1.3.2土壤重金属危害 4
1.3.3土壤重金属污染研究现状 4
1.4结语 6
2 研究地与研究方法 7
2.1 研究地概况 7
2.1.1 自然地理条件 7
2.1.2 林农复合经营状况 7
2.2 研究方法 8
2.2.1 土壤样品采集 8
2.2.2土壤样品预处理 8
2.2.3土壤重金属形态提取方法与测定 8
2.2.4土壤化学性质的测定 9
2.3 数据处理及分析方法 9
3 结果与分析 10
3.1 不同林农复合经营模式的土壤Pb含量差异 10
3.1.1 可交换态及碳酸盐结合态Pb含量 10
3.1.2 Fe/Mn氧化物结合态Pb含量 11
3.1.3 有机物及硫化物结合态Pb含量 12
3.1.4 残渣态Pb含量 13
3.1.5 Pb全量 14
3.1.6 不同形态Pb含量的比例分析 15
3.2 不同林农复合经营模式的土壤其他性质差异 16
3.2.1 土壤pH 16
3.2.2 土壤电导率 17
3.2.3 土壤全氮含量 18
3.2.4 土壤全磷含量 18
3.3 土壤化学性质与不同形态重金属Pb含量之间的相互关系 19
4 结论与讨论…………………………………………………………..………………………..……………………………………21
致 谢 23
参考文献 24
前 言