摘 要
栓皮栎是重要的用材树种,具有很高的经济和生态价值,在国内具有广泛的分布,不同种源栓皮栎的休眠节律具有明显差异。我们从栓皮栎中提取出生物节律基因LHY1基因的RNA,采用基因克隆技术并结合巢式PCR和RACE技术获得目的基因cDNA的全长序列,应用各种序列分析软件对其序列进行分析。实验过程中除克隆出了LHY-a的cDNA全长序列以外,还克隆出其它三条剪接异构体LHY-b、LHY-c和LHY-d,本次实验主要分析的是LHY-a的cDNA全长序列。根据Blast同源性分析发现,栓皮栎LHY1基因的序列与其他物种的LHY基因具有较高的相似性,其中与欧洲板栗(Castanea sativa) LHY基因相似度最高,而与拟南芥的差异性最大。本次研究证明栓皮栎LHY基因蛋白序列比对结果表明其具有自身的遗传特异性,同时它和拟南芥一样存在可变剪接,即转录后翻译剪接调控可能存在蛋白多样性。
The research of alternative splicing from LHY1 gene of Quercus variabilis
Quercus variabilis is an important timber species with high economic and ecological value and is widely distributed in China. There are significant differences in dormancy rhythm of Quercus variabilis. We extracted the RNA of the rhythm gene LHY1 gene from Quercus variabilis, and obtained the full-length sequence of the target gene by gene cloning and nested PCR and RACE. The sequences were analyzed by various sequence analysis software. In addition to the full-length cDNA sequence of LHY-a, the other three splice isoforms LHY-b, LHY-c and LHY-d were cloned. The main analysis of this experiment is LHY-a full-length cDNA sequence. According to Blast homology analysis, it was found that the sequence of LHY1 gene of Quercus variabilis had high similarity with LHY gene of other species, which had the highest similarity with Castanea sativa LHY gene and the largest difference with Arabidopsis thaliana. The results showed that the LHY gene sequence alignment showed that it had its own genetic specificity, and it had the same splice as Arabidopsis thaliana, that is, post-transcriptional splicing regulation, and there may be protein diversity.
Key words:Quercus variabilis Bl.;LHY1 genes;alternative splicing;homology
目 录
1. 前言 1
1.1栓皮栎的基本情况 1
1.1.1栓皮栎的形态特征 1
1.1.2栓皮栎的生长特性 1
1.1.3栓皮栎的地理分布 1
1.1.4栓皮栎的价值 2
1.2 LHY1基因的基本情况 2
1.3基因克隆 2
1.3.1基因克隆简介 3
1.3.2 RACE技术 3
1.4可变剪接 3
2. 实验设计与方法 4
2.1实验方案 4
2.2实验材料 4
2.2.1材料 4
2.2.2主要试剂与药品 4
2.2.3主要仪器与设备 4
2.3实验方法 4
2.3.1 RNA的提取 4
2.3.2反转录 5
2.3.3 PCR扩增 6
2.3.4电泳与切胶回收 7
2.3.5纯化 8
2.3.6大肠杆菌感受态的制备与重组质粒转化 9
2.3.7阳性克隆鉴定 10
2.3.8测序 10
3. 结果与分析 10
3.1 PCR扩增结果与分析 10
3.2 LHY-a ORF预测分析 10
3.3蛋白一级结构预测分析 12
3.4 Blast同源性分析 14
4.结论与展望 17
4.1结论 17
4.2展望 18
致谢 19
参考文献 20
- 前言
栓皮栎(Quercus variabilis Bl.)又叫做软木栎、粗皮青冈,属于山毛榉目壳斗科,是落叶乔木,其高度可达25m,胸径达1m;树皮呈深灰色,纵向裂,较深[1]。树冠呈广卵圆形,树干分枝多,树皮灰褐色,木栓层很厚。韧皮部发达,老树干的树皮较厚。木材坚硬,结构较粗,纹理通直,是优良的木材树种。小枝淡褐色,无毛;叶互生,叶形为长椭圆状披针形,基部楔形,先端渐尖,长8-15cm,宽3-5cm[1],叶缘有芒状锯齿,叶背面被灰白色的星状毛,冬芽呈圆锥形[1]。雄花为穗状花序,生于当年生枝的下部,雌花生于当年生枝叶腋。果实为坚果,卵球形或椭圆形,直径1.5cm,顶圆微凹[2]。花期5月,果翌年9-10月成熟。