摘 要
- 本项目建设区占地面积2120.0 m2,占地性质为永久占地,在项目建设区内设有施工生产生活区域,占地面积为150 m2,为临时占地,施工结束后解除占地,项目破坏和扰动原地表面积2120.0 m2。
- 本项目工程总挖方718.5m3,总填方718.5 m3,无借方,无弃方。
4、本项目如不采取水土保持措施,建设期内土壤流失总量达4.41 t,新增水土流失量3.78 t。
5、本工程的水土流失防治责任范围为2381.7 m2,其中项目建设区2120.0 m2和直接影响区261.7 m2;建设过程中损坏水土保持设施面积共2120.0 m2。
Conservation plan report of Dafeng District
With the increase of population and the rapid growth of economy, the process of urbanization is accelerating, the construction of a large number of development and construction projects, so that the current situation of soil erosion in China is deteriorating. This paper in Dafeng district road soil maintain plan report table as an example, from the combination of theory and practice of simple describes the project development and construction of soil and water conservation plan, the Compilation Characteristics and key. After the income content are as follows:
1, the project construction area covers an area of 2120 m2 and covering properties for permanent covers an area of, with areas of production and life of the construction in the construction area of the project, covers an area of 150 m2, for temporary occupation land, the end of construction after the lifting of the covering, project destruction and disturbance in situ surface area 2120 m2.
2, the project total excavation 718.5m3, total fill 718.5 m3, no debit, no discard.
3, soil to maintain a total investment of 8.57 million yuan, main project has been listed with soil and water conservation facilities investment 3.96 million yuan, the newly increased soil and water to keep the investment 2.41 million yuan, independent fee of 152 million yuan, basic reserve funds 0.47 million yuan, soil and water conservation compensation cost is 0.21 million yuan.
4, if the project does not take measures to soil and water conservation, the total amount of soil loss during construction period of 4.41 T, 3.78 t new soil loss.
5, the project of soil and water loss prevention and control responsibility range is 2381.7 m2, of which the project construction area 2120 m2 and direct influence area 261.7 m2; construction process damage to soil and water conservation facilities area of 2120 m2.
Key words:Design for Soil and Water Conservation; soil erosion; Yancheng Dafeng
目 录
1关于开发建设项目水土保持方案报告表的思考 - 1 -
1.1我国水土流失现状 - 1 -
1.2水土保持方案制度的起源 - 1 -
1.3编制水土保持方案的重要性 - 1 -
1.4发展现状 - 2 -
1.5水土保持方案实施中存在的问题 - 2 -
1.5.1施工招投标文件没有将水土保持要求列入条款之中 - 2 -
1.5.2临时防护措施不到位 - 3 -
1.5.3表土资源剥离利用未落实 - 3 -
1.5.4施工时序混乱,土方不能合理调配 - 3 -
1.5.5水土保持监测工作滞后 - 4 -
大丰县一个水土保持报表 - 5 -
§1 项目概况 - 5 -
1.1 建设背景 - 5 -
1.2 项目概述 - 5 -
1.3 建设地点及周边地区概况 - 6 -
1.3.1自然条件 - 6 -
1.3.2、项目建设地点 - 6 -
1.3.3周边概况 - 7 -
1.3.4 水土流失现状 - 7 -
1.4 项目占地 - 8 -
§2 编制总则 - 9 -
2.1 编制目的 - 9 -
2.2 编制原则 - 9 -
2.3 编制阶段、方案设计水平年及服务期 - 9 -
§3 水土流失预测 - 10 -
3.1 土壤流失统计时段 - 10 -
3.2 土壤流失量计算 - 10 -
3.2.1 扰动原地貌、损坏原地表和植被面积 - 10 -
3.2.2 损坏水土保持设施 - 10 -
3.3 弃土、弃渣量统计 - 10 -
3.3.1土方计算: - 10 -
3.3.2 土方平衡 - 11 -
3.4 水土流失预测计算 - 12 -
3.5 水土流失预测结果与危害分析 - 15 -
§4 水土保持措施 - 17 -
4.1 水土流失防治目标 - 17 -
4.2 水土流失防治责任范围 - 17 -
4.3防治措施 - 18 -
4.3.1工程措施 - 18 -
4.3.2植物措施 - 18 -
4.3.3临时措施 - 19 -
4.3.4防治措施工程量 - 21 -
§5 投资概算 - 23 -
5.1 编制说明 - 23 -
5.2 水土保持方案总投资 - 24 -
5.3 防治效果及效益分析 - 25 -
§6 结论 - 27 -
致谢 - 28 -
参考文献 - 29 -
1982 年,国务院颁布《水土保持工作条例》,首次从国家层面强调,兴建工程和进行生产时应尽量减少破坏地貌和植被,造成水土流失的必须采取水土保持措施。