摘 要
The seed plumpness for reproductive fitness analysis of Liriodendron
Reproductive fitness is one of the important indicators for measure adaptability between tree species . L.chinense is an endangered tree species in China , therefore, it is very important to know its reproductive fitness. In this study, we take seed plumpness as the reproductive fitness, and we analyzed the interspecific and intraspecific variation of seed plumpness and floral traits between two species of Liriodendron.
In order to compare the floral traits on interspecific and intraspecific of the Liriodendron , the flowers from eight provenances of Liriodendron (three provenances of L.tulipifera and five provenances of L.chinense ) were taken as sample materials, All open-pollinated seeds were collected to detect the seed plumpness by the method of Faxitron UitraFocus60,. The results as follows:
The average length of petal , calyx , stamen , stigma on L.tulipifera are 5.49cm , 5.41cm , 3.58cm , 4.07cm , while the average length of petal , calyx , stamen , stigma on L.chinense are 4.63cm , 4.25cm , 2.66cm , 3.26cm. the floral sizes of L.tulipifera are longer than that of L.chinense. However, the average quantity of anther of L.chinense is 46.90 , while for L.tulipifera , the average quantity of anther is only 37.25. The average value of seed plumpness of L.tulipifera is 17.63%, while for L.chinense , it is 11.40% . It is obvious that the reproductive fitness of L.tulipifera is higher than that of L.chinense. Correlation analysis showed that there are positive correlation between reproductive fitness and floral traits. The flowers of L.tulipifera are bigger than L.chinense , and the color of L.tulipifera are brighter than L.chinense . It may attract more pollinating insects, this results may be used to reveal the underlying mechanisim for the low reproductive fitness of L.tulipifera.
Key words:Liriodendron ; Seed plumpness ; Reproductive fitness ; Floral traits
目 录
1 前言 - 1 -
1.1 鹅掌楸属树种概述 - 1 -
1.1.1 树种特点 - 1 -
1.1.2 地理分布 - 1 -
1.1.3 种群规模 - 2 -
1.2 鹅掌楸属树种种子饱满度 - 2 -
1.2.1 饱满度定义 - 2 -
1.2.2 常用测定方法 - 2 -
1.3 软x射线摄影术的应用 - 3 -
1.3.1 种子的饱满度测定 - 3 -
1.3.2 种子活力检测 - 3 -
1.3.3 种子的机械损伤检测 - 4 -
1.3.4 种子发育过程的观察 - 4 -
1.4 研究目的及意义 - 4 -
2 试验材料与方法 - 5 -
2.1 试验材料来源 - 5 -
2.2 试验方法 - 5 -
2.2.1 样品采集及处理 - 5 -
2.2.2 种子饱满度检测 - 5 -
2.2.3 数据处理 - 6 -
3 结果与分析 - 7 -
3.1 鹅掌楸属种内、种间花部形态特征比较 - 7 -
3.2 鹅掌楸属种内、种间种子饱满度比较分析 - 9 -
3.2.1 2014年鹅掌楸属种内、种间种子的饱满度比较 - 9 -
3.2.2 2015年鹅掌楸属种内、种间种子的饱满度比较 - 10 -
3.2.3 同一种源不同年份种子的饱满度比较 - 11 -
3.2.4 鹅掌楸属树种种间种子饱满度比较 - 12 -
3.3 鹅掌楸属树种种内、种间繁殖适合度比较分析 - 12 -
4 结论与讨论 - 14 -
4.1 花部形态特征与繁殖适合度 - 14 -
4.2 鹅掌楸属种内、种间种子饱满度和繁殖适合度比较 - 14 -
致 谢 - 15 -
参考文献 - 16 -
1 前言
1.1 鹅掌楸属树种概述
1.1.1 树种特点