摘 要
根据本实验室鹅掌楸转录组数据库中注释为NCED基因的EST序列设计引物,以鹅掌楸RT-PCR的产物为模板克隆了一段1340bp的NCED基因的中间片段。在此基础上利用cDNA末端快速克隆(RACE)技术克隆得到一条全长为1929bp的基因。ORF Finder预测其ORF长为1650bp,编码549个氨基酸。
Cloning of LcNCED1gene and its encoding protein analysis in Liriodendron chinense (Hemsl.) Sarg
Liriodendron chinense (Hemsl.) Sarg is a relic species with the characteristics of heliophile, wide adaptation to mild and humid climate, and cold resistance to a certain degree. Liriodendron grows better in deep, fertile, drained and acidic or slightly acidic soil (pH4.5-6.5) than drought soil, and worse in waterlogging land.9-cis-epoxy carotenoid dioxygenase (NCED) can catalyze 9-cis-violaxthin or 9-cis-New zeaxanthin to produce zeaxanthin aldehyde, so NCED is a key enzyme in the synthesis of ABA and plays a very important role in its regulation. NCED can keep the content of ABA at a high level in drought conditions, therefore, cloning LcNCED1 and analyzing its function may help to understand the underlying resistance mechanism of Liriodendron and improve its ability of drought resistance.
We designed primers according to EST sequences of a gene noted as NCED in Liriodendron transcriptome annotation database in our lab. We used the product of RT-PCR as a template and cloned a 1340bp middle fragment of NCED. On the basis of this, we used rapid-amplification of cDNA ends(RACE) technique to clone a full-length gene of 1929bp, which was predicted by ORF Finder that its ORF length was1650bp and encoded 549 amino acids.
Homologous alignment and phylogenetic analysis finds that the protein encoded by NCED1 has high similarity with that of Phoenix dactylifera and Elaeis guineensis, so we name NCED1 as LcNCED1. Primary structure analysis of LcNCED1 shows that its molecular weight is about 62kDa, theoretical pI is 6.10,and it is a stable hydrophilic protein with no transmembrane helices .Secondary structure analysis indicates that the protein is mainly composed of 36.79% random coil, 30.97% extended strand, 20.77% alpha helix, 11.48% beta turn .It is a non-secreted protein without the signal peptide cleavage site. We used homology modeling to predict the tertiary structure of protein encoded by LcNCED1.
Key words: Liriodendron ;NCED;protein;clone;drought resistance
目 录
1 引言 1
1.1鹅掌楸简介 1
1.2脱落酸简介及合成途径 1
1.3 NCED基因的研究进展 2
1.4克隆技术 3
2 材料和方法 5
2.1实验材料 5
2.1.1植物材料 5
2.1.2菌株和载体 5
2.1.3实验试剂 5
2.1.4培养基的配制 6
2.1.5仪器设备 6
2.1.6引物合成与测序 6
2.2实验方法 6
2.2.1鹅掌楸RNA的提取与质量鉴定 6
2.2.2鹅掌楸LcNCED1基因中间片段的扩增 8
2.2.3鹅掌楸LcNCED1基因RACE扩增 9
2.2.4凝胶回收与纯化 11
2.2.5目的基因的克隆和转化 11
2.2.6生物信息学分析 12
3 结果与分析 13
3.1 LcNCED1基因全长系列的获得 13
3.2基于NCED1基因序列的系统进化树构建 15
3.3蛋白质序列的基本性质分析 17
3.3.1理化性质分析 17
3.3.2亲疏水性分析 18
3.3.3跨膜区分析 19
3.3.4信号肽预测 19
3.3.5 Coil区分析 20
3.3.6亚细胞定位 21
3.4结构域分析 22
3.5空间结构预测和分析 22
3.5.1蛋白质二级结构预测 22
3.5.2蛋白质三级结构预测 23
结 论 25
致谢 26
参考文献 27
脱落酸(ABA)能调控种子的发育和休眠,通过促进植物气孔的关闭来降低植物的蒸腾作用,并且调控一些渗透调节物质基因的表达来提高植物的抗逆性,增强植物对不良环境(干旱、盐碱)的适应能力[3]。ABA的生物合成有2条可能的途径,分别由C15法尼基焦磷酸(CFPP)直接合成和由C40的类胡萝卜素间接合成[4]。通过一些相关基因的分离和ABA的突变体表明:在高等植物中,C40的类胡萝卜素间接合成是ABA合成的主要路径。ABA的间接合成路径一般分为三个阶段:①早期反应,类胡萝卜素前体在质体中的合成;②中期反应,叶黄素在质体中的形成及裂解;③后期反应,在细胞质中由黄质醛到ABA[5]。编码NCED的基因作为调控ABA合成途径的关键,首先在玉米(Zea ways)中通过viviparousl4(vp14)突变体得到验证[6]。重组的VP14蛋白专一性裂解9一顺式一环氧叶黄素的异构体如9一顺式一紫黄质和9一顺式-新黄质[7]。现在生物化学和遗传学己经证明,9-顺式-环氧类胡萝卜素双加氧酶(NCED)是高等植物脱落酸生物合成途径的关键酶团[6,8,9]。