摘 要
Effects of different substrates on the quality of Sapium sebiferum container seedlings
In order to study the most suitable matrix proportion for the growth and development of Sapium sebiferum container seedlings, this paper made different matrix from vegetable garden soil, peat and perlite to test the quality of Sapium sebiferum container seedlings. By comparing and analyzing the seedling height, ground diameter, height-diameter ratio, dry weight, fresh weight, ground dry weight, underground dry weight, QI, root length, root surface area, root volume, and other morphological indicators, as well as the differences of soluble sugar content, soluble protein content, nitrogen content and other physiological indicators in the stem of Sapium sebiferum container seedlings grown under different substrates. The membership function method of fuzzy mathematics was used to digitalize the indicators, and the seedling quality of container seedlings of Sapium sebiferum under different culture media was comprehensively analyzed according to a number of indicators, and the optimum proportioning medium for cultivating container seedlings of Sapium sebiferum was screened out. The results are as follows:
The ten kinds of substrate formulations used in the experiment were: K1(100% vegetable garden soil), K2(90% peat 10% perlite), K3(70% peat 30% perlite), K4(50% peat 50% perlite),K5(90% vegetable garden soil 10% perlite), K6(70% vegetable soil 30% perlite), K7(50% vegetable garden soil 50% perlite), K8(20% vegetable garden soil 60% peat 20% perlite), K9(40% vegetable garden soil 40% peat 20% perlite), K10(60% vegetable garden soil 20% peat 20% perlite). Through the analysis of the growth and physiological characteristics of Sapium sebiferum container seedlings, it was found that the effects of the growth and development of Sapium sebiferum container seedlings with different substrate formulations were significantly different (Plt;0.05) combined with the comprehensive evaluation of seedling quality. This experiment used membership function method to screen optimum substrate formulation for Sapium sebiferum container seedlings through the comparison of various indicators. The results of membership function method showed that: K3gt; K2gt; K5gt; K9gt; K7gt; K1gt; K6gt; K10gt; K8gt; K4.
Obviously, the Sapium sebiferum container seedlings cultivated with K3 had a good performance in the comprehensive evaluation of see.
Key words: Sapium sebiferum ; different substrates; container seedling; seedling quality
目 录
前言 1
1文献综述 2
1.1乌桕概述 2
1.1.1乌桕的生物学特性 2
1.1.2乌桕的综合价值 2
1.1.3乌桕的资源分布 3
1.2容器育苗 3
1.2.1容器育苗概述 3
1.2.2育苗容器 4
1.2.3育苗基质 4
1.3苗木质量评价 5
1.3.1形态指标 6
1.3.2生理指标 6
2材料与方法 8
2.1试验地概况 8
2.2试验材料 8
2.2.1试验苗材料 8
2.2.2试验基质材料 8
2.3试验设计 8
2.4取样 9
2.5测定 9
2.5.1苗木形态指标的测定 9苗高的测定 9 苗木地径的测定 9苗木根系的测定 9苗木鲜重的测定 9苗木干重的测定 9
2.5.2 苗木生理指标的测定 10苗木可溶性糖的测定 10 苗木全氮含量的测定 10
2.6统计分析 10
3 结果与分析 12
3.1不同基质对乌桕容器苗形态指标的影响 12
3.1.1不同基质对乌桕容器苗苗高的影响 12
3.1.2不同基质对乌桕容器苗地径的影响 12
3.1.3不同基质对乌桕容器苗高径比的影响 12
3.1.4不同基质对乌桕容器苗鲜重的影响 13
3.1.5不同基质对乌桕容器苗干重的影响 14
3.1.6不同基质对乌桕容器苗地上干重的影响 14
3.1.7不同基质对乌桕容器苗地下干重的影响 15
3.1.8不同基质对乌桕容器苗QI的影响 16
3.1.9不同基质对乌桕容器苗根茎比的影响 18
3.1.10不同基质对乌桕容器苗根系总长的影响 18
3.1.11不同基质对乌桕容器苗根系表面积的影响 18
3.1.12不同基质对乌桕容器苗根系体积的影响 18
3.2不同基质对乌桕容器苗生理指标的影响 20
3.2.1不同基质对乌桕容器苗可溶性糖含量的影响 20
3.2.2不同基质对乌桕容器苗可溶性蛋白的影响 21
3.2.3不同基质对乌桕容器苗全氮含量的影响 22