摘 要
(1)草毯覆盖相较于草帘和无覆盖对苗高的效果较好,苗高的平均值达到44.66 cm,且各覆盖间存在极显著差异;而草帘覆盖与无覆盖区域的苗高相比差异不显著;不同的覆盖方式对于植物根长的影响存在极显著差异,草毯覆盖相较于草帘和无覆盖差异极显著,平均根长达到17.42 cm,效果最好,无覆盖效果最差,平均根长只有8.9 cm;草毯覆盖下的盖度与草帘覆盖下的盖度无显著差异,草毯覆盖以及草帘覆盖下的盖度与无覆盖的盖度差异极显著;草毯覆盖下的均匀度与草帘覆盖下的均匀度无显著差异,草毯覆盖以及草帘覆盖下的均匀度与无覆盖的均匀度差异极显著。
(2)草灌混播下的苗高和根长与花花混播下的苗高和根长差异极显著,平均苗高和平均根长分别达到66.17 cm和21 cm,花花混播植物生长效果最差,平均苗高和平均根长仅有36.67 cm和9.67 cm;草灌混播下的盖度和均匀度与其他三种播种配比结果存在极显著差异,草灌混播对盖度和均匀度的效果最好,花花混播下植物的盖度和均匀度的效果最差。
Comparison of flexible protection schemes for slope plants in Haiqi Expressway
This paper focuses on the research on the protection effect of plants on highway slopes. Because different plants have different growth characteristics, the selection of slope protection plants is an important part of ecological slope protection engineering. The correctness of plant selection will be directly determined. The pros and cons of the protective effect. Taking Haiqi Expressway as an example, this paper covers the local environmental characteristics, and each experimental area is covered with plant fiber blankets (grass blankets, straw curtains) of different materials. Different planting ratios are used to observe the growth status of plants in various communities, and use spss. The software performs analysis of variance. Experimental results show:
1. Comparison of the results of various observation indexes under different covering materials: the grass carpet covering has the best effect on the seedling height compared with the straw curtain and the uncovered, and the average value of the seedling height reaches 44.66 cm, which is extremely significant, while the straw covering Compared with the height of the uncovered area, the difference was not significant; the effect of different coverage methods on the root length of the plants was extremely significant. The difference of the grass blanket coverage compared with the straw curtain and the no cover was extremely significant, and the average root length reached 17.42 cm. The effect is the best, the coverage is the worst, the average root length is only 8.9cm; the coverage under the blanket cover is not significantly different from the coverage under the straw cover, the cover of the blanket and the coverage and coverage without the cover The difference in coverage is extremely significant; there is no significant difference between the uniformity under the blanket and the uniformity under the cover, and the difference between the uniformity of the blanket and the uniformity of the cover and the coverage without coverage is extremely significant.
2. Comparison of results of different observation indexes under different sowing ratios: The difference between seedling height and root length under the grass-planting mixed planting and root length and flowering and flowering was extremely significant,
and the average seedling height and average root length reached 66.17cm and 21cm, the effect of mixed flower and flower was the worst, the average seedling height and average root length were only 36.67cm and 9.67cm; the coverage and uniformity under grass-plant mixed sowing were significantly different from those of the other three sowing ratios. The effect on the coverage and uniformity is the best, and the mixed effect of flowers and flowers has the worst effect on the coverage and uniformity.
Keywords: Slope protection; plant fiber blanket; plant growth; plant growth; ecological protection program
目 录
前 言 1
1 文献综述 2
1.1 植物护坡技术的国内相关研究概况 2
1.2 植物护坡技术的国外相关研究概况 2
1.3 护坡植物品种的选择 2
1.4 植物种子配比研究 3
1.5 研究意义 3
2 材料与方法 4
2.1 实验地点概括 4
2.2 实验材料 4
2.3 试验设计 4
2.4 测定指标 5
2.4.1 苗高的测定 6
2.4.2 根长的测定 6
2.4.3 盖度的测定 7
2.4.4 均匀度的测定 7
3 结果与分析 9
3.1 不同覆盖材料下植物生长状况对比 9
3.1.1 不同覆盖材料下各小区植物苗高分析 9
3.1.2 不同覆盖材料下各小区植物根长分析 9
3.1.3 不同覆盖材料下各小区植物盖度分析 9
3.1.4 不同覆盖材料下各小区植物均匀度分析 10
3.1.5 不同覆盖材料下各小区植物生长状况多重比较 10
3.2 不同播种配比下植物生长状况对比 11
3.2.1 不同播种配比下各小区植物的苗高分析 11
3.2.2 不同播种配比下各小区植物的根长分析 11
3.2.3 不同播种配比下各小区植物的盖度分析 11
3.2.4 不同播种配比下各小区植物的均匀度分析 12
3.2.5 不同播种配比下各小区植物生长状况多重比较 12
4 讨论 14
4.1 覆盖不同植物纤维毯对植物生长状况的影响 14
4.2 不同播种配比下对植物生长状况的影响 14
5 结论与展望 16
5.1 主要结论 16
5.1.1 不同覆盖材料对植物生长状况影响 16