
 2021-04-20 09:04

摘 要



The Study on the Improvement of the Memory of the Human Body by the Soft Capsule Made of the Ginkgo of Ginkgo


The objective of this study is to investigate the effect of Baofeng Sanyi soft capsule made from Ginkgo biloba leaves and Yuanbao Maple oil in improving memory. Two kinds of control designs were designed between themselves and between groups. 120 subjects were randomly divided into trial group and control group. The trial group was required to take Baofeng Sanyi soft capsule, while the control group was given placebo for 30 days. At the end of the experiment, 113 cases were effective, 57 cases in the trial group and 56 cases in the control group, and 7 cases were lost, the total loss rate was 5.8%. There were differences in age, sex, educational level, memory scale score and memory quotient between the two groups before the experiment. There was no significant difference between the two groups (Pgt;0.05). The scores of memory and memory in the test group and the memory quotient group were statistically significant (Plt;0.05). After the test, the memory volume of the test group was divided (except for the image free recall scale, the feature of the portrait and the recall scale), and the difference between the memory and the control group was statistically significant (Plt;0.05). The difference between the two groups was statistically significant (Plt;0.05), except for the image free memory scale score, the portrait characteristic and the recall scale), and the difference of the memory quotient (Plt;0.05) In conclusion, the soft capsule made of Ginkgo biloba maple can improve the memory function of human body.

Key words: ginkgo biloba; Yuanbaofeng; Baofeng Sanyi soft capsule to improve memory

目 录

1 前言 - 1 -

1.1神经酸 - 1 -

1.2宝枫三益软胶囊的药理作用 - 1 -

1.3研究的目的及意义 - 1 -

1.4国内外研究情况 - 2 -

1.5特色与创新 - 3 -

2 材料和方法 - 4 -

2.1样品 - 4 -

2.2受试对象 - 4 -

2.3 试验设计及分组 - 4 -

2.4 食用剂量及方法 - 4 -

2.5 主要仪器 - 4 -

2.6 观察指标 - 4 -

2.6.1安全性指标 - 4 -

2.6.2 功效性观察 - 5 -

2.7 数据统计 - 5 -

2.8结果判定 - 5 -

3 结果 - 6 -

3.1 试验前一般资料均衡性比较 - 6 -

3.2 对人体安全性指标的影响 - 6 -

3.2.1 受试者一般状况 - 6 -

3.2.2 受试者血压、心率检查 - 7 -

3.2.3 血常规检查 - 7 -

3.2.4 肝肾功能及血液生化指标检查 - 8 -

3.2.5 胸透、心电图、腹部B超及尿、粪常规检查 - 9 -

3.2.6 不良反应记录 - 9 -

3.3 对功效性指标影响 - 9 -

3.3.1对指向记忆量表分的影响 - 9 -

3.3.2对联想学习记忆量表分的影响 - 10 -

3.3.3对图像自由回忆量表分的影响 - 10 -

3.3.4对无意义图像再认量表分的影响 - 10 -

3.3.5对人像特点联系回忆量表分的影响 - 11 -

3.3.6对记忆商的影响 - 11 -

结 论 - 12 -

致 谢 - 13 -

参考文献 - 14 -

  1. 前言


神经酸是大脑神经组织和神经细胞的天然关键成分。一方面神经酸可以修复受损神经组织,帮助大脑神经组织末梢保持活性,使神经细胞重生。另一方面神经酸对视神经细胞、大脑细胞、周围神经细胞的生长、发育和维持有积极的影响。缺少神经酸,将会引起多种脑疾病(老年痴呆、脑萎缩、失眠健忘、脑中风等)。当摄入神经酸后, 大脑白质得到及时补充, 神经元细胞的生物膜结构得到改善, 提高了细胞活性, 有助于推迟衰老[1]




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