摘 要
Correlation Analysis of Leaf Shape, Photosynthesis Characteristics and SPAD Value of Camptotheca acuminate Families
Abstract: The indexes of leaf shape and SPAD value of 72 Camptotheca acuminata families were studied. Based on leaf shape and SPAD value, the cluster analysis was carried out. 10 families selected according to the clustering result were studied the photosynthetic characteristics. On the above results, the correlation analysis was carried out. The main results are as follows: (1) Based on leaf shape parameters, 72 families were clustered with the Euclidean distance and the class averaging method and divided into 6 categories at the distance of about 1.15cm, of which Large leaf and small leaf families were less. The first group including 4 families have leaf shape index of this family smallest. The sixth group including 3 families has the characteristics of smallest leaves and larger leaf shape index. The fourth group including 4 families has the largest leaves and larger leaf shape index. (2) Based on SPAD values of leaf color parameters, 72 families were clustered with Euclidean distance and class averaging method, and divided into 5 categories at the distance of about 4.5cm, of which the families on leaf color parameters in the two extremes were less. The third group including 7 families have the largest L*, b* value, and the smallest a* value; the fifth group contains 2 families with the lowest L*, b* value and the maximum a* value; the second group contains 23 families, and SPAD value of this group is between the third and fifth groups. (3) The correlation between leaf shape, leaf color and photosynthetic parameters was poor, and the correlations in the Internal of different categories parameters were strong. The large and round families have higher Pn and WUE. Leaf color of the families with a rounded leaf is brighter, greener and bluish.
Keywords: Camptotheca acuminate Families, Leaf Shape, Photosynthetic Characteristics, and SPAD Value.
目 录
引 言 1
1 文献综述 1
1.1 叶形态发育研究进展 1
1.1.1叶的形态结构 1
1.1.2 叶形参数 2
1.2 植物光合性状种质差异及遗传表现研究进展 3
1.2.1植物光合性状的种质差异 3
1.2.2光合性状的遗传 4
1.3叶绿素仪法测定叶绿素含量研究概况 7
1.3.1叶绿素仪法 7
1.3.2 应用叶绿素仪的影响因素 8
2 材料与方法 9
2.1材料 9
2.2方法 9
2.2.1叶形指标测定 9
2.2.2 SPAD值测定 11
2.2.3 光合参数测定 11
3 结果与分析 11
3.1不同喜树家系叶形特征 11
3.2不同喜树家系叶色特征 14
3.3不同家系光合特征 14
3.4叶形、光合和叶色参数间的相关性分析 16
4结论与讨论 18
致 谢 19
参考文献 20
引 言
1 文献综述
1.1 叶形态发育研究进展