摘 要
Effects of biogas slurry on heavy metals
in paddy soil and grain
As China promotes the environmental-friendly economy, the development of conventional agriculture has increasingly aroused people’s concern. Biogas slurry, as the product of the fermented animal faeces, contains abundant nitrogen, phosphor, potassium, different amino acids, as well as organic matter and other essential nutrient elements that plants require. Biogas slurry is regarded as an ideal substitute for traditional fertilizers, which has been put into operation. Nonetheless, the enhancement of people’s living quality makes people attempt to pay close attention to the safety of food, hence people are also keeping an eye on the safety of the new fertilizer, biogas slurry, especially the change of the amount of heavy metal in plants brought by the use of it. The site where samples taken is Jintai Farm, by the point.to point method that taken samples of soil and plants growing on it simultaneously, the changes of the heavy metal amount in plants and soil and the wheat production of different years are kept close watch on. Compared with the standard amount of the heavy metal in plants and soil, the influence brought by the use of biogas slurry can be seen, and then we can predict the tendency of accumulation of heavy metal in plants and soil. The aim of the experiment is to offer standard of the use of biogas slurry to the agricultural production, realizing the steady and high-quality harvest of agricultural products.
The results shows that: (1)When utilizing low amount of biogas slurry, the effect on the content of heavy metal is not obvious. After increasing the amount, the content of heavy metal increases, but far lower than the standard set by Environmental Quality Standard GB15618-2009, thus it’s relatively safe to use it. As can be known by the experiment, the content of Cu increases by the growth of amount of biogas slurry, which brings the risk of exceeding the standard and it may cause the pollution to the cropland if people deserted biogas slurry randomly. (2)Compared with water, using biogas slurry adds the content of Pb、Cu、Zn, but different amount of biogas slurry influences lightly the content of Pb、Cu、Cr、Zn。(3)Generally speaking, the content of heavy metal in grain grows at the beginning and declines as the amount of biogas slurry goes up. The grain’ ability of concentrating heavy metal grades as Cu>Zn>Pb>Cr. BCF of Pb、Cu、Cr、Zn concentrates mainly on 0~10%,the average number 21%.(4)When transporting from soil to grain, Cr、Cu、Zn、Pb have little effect on each other,and the content of heavy metal in grain is determined primarily by the ability to concentrate various kinds of heavy metal.
Key words: Biogas slurry; Heavy metal; Rice; Soil-plant system
目 录
1 绪论 1
1.1 沼液及其效用 1
1.2 沼液的国内外利用现状 2
1.3 沼液对农田环境的影响研究 3
1.4 研究的目的、意义和内容 4
1.5 技术路线 5
2 材料与方法 6
2.1 实验设计 6
2.1.1 实验地点概况 6
2.1.2 实验方案 6
2.1.3 样品的采集、贮藏、处理 7
2.2 土壤和植物中全量Cr、Pb、Cu、Zn的测定 9
2.2.1 方法原理 9
2.2.2 仪器设备和试剂 9
2.2.3分析步骤 9
2.2.4 结果计算 10
2.3 数据处理 10
3 结果与讨论 11
3.1 不同沼液施用量对土壤中各重金属含量的影响 11
3.2 不同沼液施用量对水稻籽粒重金属含量的影响 12
3.3 不同沼液施用量对水稻富集系数的影响 13
3.4 土壤与籽粒中各重金属含量相关性分析 14
4 结论与展望 21
4.1 结论 21
4.2 展望 21
致 谢 23
参考文献 24
1 绪论
1.1 沼液及其效用
沼液是沼气厌氧发酵后的产物,其中不仅含有丰富的可溶性无机盐类,还含有厌氧发酵的生化产物,具有营养、抑菌、刺激、抗逆等功效[1]。当沼液用作作物生产的肥料时,可以节约化肥的施用量,同时也是一种环保的肥料,可以减少氨气及温室气体的排放,这对于无公害农作物产品的生产大有裨益,并能产生良好的经济效益。在广泛的实践和跟踪研究中,我们得知,沼液的速效营养能力强,养分可以被植物充分吸收[1] [2], 如果将沼液合理使用,不仅可以最大程度地发挥沼气工程的能源与环境效益,而且能减少农田化学肥料投入量,因此较为经济高效。此外还有提高作物的产量和品质的功效,增强作物的防病抗逆能力,是一种优质的有机液体肥料。
沼液的主要用途有:饲喂猪鱼、浸种、叶面喷施、果园滴灌、水培蔬菜等方面[3]。如:沼液中的赤霉素可以让农作物的茎和叶快速生长;其含有的生长素能刺激种子发芽,提升发芽率,还能及时防止果树掉花、落果;其中包含的一些核酸、单糖可以提高农作物的抗旱能力,一些不饱和脂肪酸、游离态的氨基酸能够使农作物在低温环境免受冻害,还有一些维生素能增强农作物的抗病能力;沼液中含有猪、牛等家禽生长所必需的维生素、蛋白质等必需营养元素,有研究表明饲料中加沼液可以让猪提前半至一月出栏。同时,沼液可以起到抑制和除去一些作物病虫的功效,对红、黄蜘蛛的杀灭率在95%以上,矢尖晰达到92 %,还能驱除93%和99.4 %的蚜虫和清虫[4]。另外,沼液对一些昆虫还起到驱赶作用,它的异味可以驱赶盲蝽象、金龟子等害虫[3]。目前,沼液因自身具有的生物肥料以及生物农药的双重特性以及相比其他有机肥环境污染风险小的优势,在国际上受赞誉为广谱性厌氧微生物加工剂。在提升作物品质方面,有研究显示,当沼液用量在合适的范围内时,对于作物的维生素C、口感、色泽、可溶性糖、还原糖、蛋白质等品质具有促进作用,而且对植物体内硝酸盐的积累有明显减弱作用[5]。
1.2 沼液的国内外利用现状
国外主要将沼液用作有机肥,对沼液的安全利用和生态问题也非常重视[6]。澳大利亚等国家不仅将沼液用作农田肥料,而且还在草地上使用。欧洲大部分国家极其重视沼肥的安全问题并对此作了很多卫生研究。比如德国对沼肥的利用实行着严格的管理规定,沼气厌氧发酵后的产物——沼肥一定要在70℃高温下处理1小时才能够用作肥料使用。出于环境卫生和高效利用沼液的考虑,该管理制度规定秋季不得将沼肥施用于农田,必须要在贮存6个月后方可利用。如果用作饲料,沼肥必须在 90 ℃的高温下处理1小时[7]。