摘 要
松材线虫病,又称松树萎蔫病(Pine Wilt Disease),病原为嗜木伞真滑刃线虫(Bursaphelenchus xylophilus),俗称松材线虫。该病蔓延速度快,影响范围广,防治难度大,因此成为近年林业病害研究的热点。有关松材线虫效应子的研究目前鲜见报道,对其效应子的研究有助于深入认识松材线虫病的发生发展过程,并且有助于揭示该病的致病机制。本研究从松材线虫侵染阶段转录组数据库中随机选取松材线虫5个候选效应子的编码基因,经过松材线虫RNA的提取和cDNA的合成、候选效应子的克隆、重组质粒的构建以及转化农杆菌等一系列过程,得到完整且质量较好的松材线虫RNA,之后成功反转录成cDNA及进行候选效应分子的克隆,并最后用携带有松材线虫候选效应分子的农杆菌瞬时表达模式植物本氏烟叶。5-7天后观察5个候选效应分子注射本氏烟的表型发现,其中4个候选效应分子未引起烟草的过敏性细胞死亡,1个候选效应分子(Bxy-2)注射本氏烟后其叶片表现出过敏性坏死反应,表明该基因为松材线虫的效应分子。关键词:松材线虫;效应子编码基因;瞬时表达;本氏烟;筛选Screening of effectors from the pinewood nematode Bursaphelenchus xylophilus
Pine wood nematode disease, also called the Pine Wilt Disease, caused by Bursaphelenchus xylophilus, commonly known as the Pine wood nematode. The disease spread fast, the influence is wide, and prevention of it is difficult, therefore it becomes a hot spot in the research of forestry disease. At present, the researches of pine wood nematodes effectors are rare. The study of effectors in pine wood nematodes will help to understand nematode development process and to reveal the pathogenic mechanism. In this study, we chose five encoding genes of candidate effectors in the transcriptome database of pine wood nematode , then, we extracted RNA and synthesized cDNA. Then cloned 5 encoding genes of effectors and constructed a recombinant plasmid and electrotransformated to agrobacterium. As a result, we get complete and good quality RNA of nematode, after that, reverse transcribed into cDNA successfully, and the cloned candidate effectors molecular and finally use agrobacterium with candidate effectors to express in Nicotiana benthamiana. After 5 to 7 days, we observed phenotype of N. benthamiana after injection of 5 effectors, found that 4 candidate effectors did not cause the allergic cell death of N.benthamiana, injection of a candidate effectors (Bxy-2) on the leaves of N.benthamiana shows the hypersensitive reaction, suggests that the gene is an effector of B. xylophilus.
Key words:Bursaphelenchus xylophilus;effectors;instantaneous expression;Nicotiana benthamiana;screen
引言 1
1 材料与方法 4
1.1材料 4
1.1.1 供试线虫 4
1.1.2 主要试剂及感受态 4
1.1.3 PCR扩增引物 4
1.1.4 所用培养基 5
1.2方法 5
1.2.1松材线虫的接种培养 5
1.2.2松材线虫RNA的提取 5
1.2.3松材线虫RNA反转录成cDNA 6
1.2.4 松材线虫效应子编码基因的PCR扩增和产物纯化回收 6
1.2.5扩增产物连接载体转化大肠杆菌及转化子的验证 8
1.2.6提取质粒 9
1.2.7电转化农杆菌 10
1.2.8 农杆菌注射本氏烟 10
2 结果与分析 11
2.1 松材线虫RNA提取结果 11
2.2 松材线虫5个候选效应分子的PCR产物凝胶电泳结果 11
2.3 连接产物转化大肠杆菌JM109结果 12
2.4 菌落PCR验证转化子凝胶电泳结果 12
2.5含有松材线虫候选效应分子编码基因的质粒测序比对 13
2.6 携有松材线虫候选效应分子的农杆菌侵染本氏烟 14
3 结论与讨论 15
致 谢 16
参考文献 17
图1 凝胶电泳检测松材线虫RNA完整性 11
图2 松材线虫5个候选效应分子PCR扩增产物凝胶电泳图 12
图3 松材线虫5个候选效应分子的转化子 13
图4 菌落PCR后琼脂糖凝胶电泳图 13
图5 含有松材线虫5个候选基因的质粒测序结果 14
图6 松材线虫候选效应分子瞬时表达于本氏烟 15
松材线虫,又称嗜木伞真滑刃线虫(Bursaphelenchus xylophilus),能使松树在感染后60~90d内枯死。松材线虫刚开始侵染松树时,松树分泌的松脂会降低,蒸腾作用也降低、针叶光泽度降低,然后针叶从灰绿色变为黄色,直到整株变成红褐色,最后植株死亡。松材线虫病传播速度快,防治难度较大。1982年,在南京第一次发现该病,之后30多年内,疫区范围逐渐扩大,在江苏、浙江、安徽、福建、江西、山东、河南、湖北、湖南、广东、广西、重庆、四川、贵州、陕西和辽宁等16个省区市(2017,国家林业局公告)发生,造成巨大的经济损失。