摘 要
城市森林在降低热岛效应方面具有重要作用。本文以南京林业大学北大山林外与林内两种不同性质的下垫面为主要研究对象,着眼于林外水泥地与麻栎(Quercus acutissima)林内这两种不同性质的下垫面的各种数据比较差别,通过EM50仪器对气象因子进行全天监测以及实时记录,定时下载数据。对获得的数据分为林缘与林内进行比较,通过相对湿度、温度分季节日变化特征趋势总结、月变异系数与季度变异系数的计算、最高温及最低温在全年中分布频率分析等一系列的数据分析,从而总结归纳出南京林业大学北大山林内外的小气候特征。
Research on the characteristics of the change of temperature in north mountain at Nanjing Forestry University
In this paper, I took the underlying surface of two places as the main objects of study, the edge and the inside of the forest in Nanjing Forestry University, focusing on the comparisons of various data between the border with zero vegetation zone and German oak forest Q.acutissima. The data about meteorological factor were collected by full-time monitoring and real-time recording by using EM50.To obtain the data into the forest edge compared with forest, through season, relative humidity, temperature change trend summary of characteristics, the variation coefficient of variation coefficient and quarter calculation, the most high temperature and low temperature distribution throughout the year and so on a series of data analysis, frequency analysis and summarizing.
And the temperature is the highest at 14:00 in the afternoon. The average temperature inside the forest through the year is 16.86 ℃, and outside the forest average annual temperature is 17.37 ℃. The difference temperature of the above areas is around 0.5 ℃, The difference of the temperature is about 0.2℃ in the spring and winter. But the difference is about 3℃ in the summer and autumn. The difference of the lowest temperature is about 0.5℃. The daily difference of the temperature in summer and autumn is about 3℃,but in spring and winter is about 0.5℃.Because of the high vegetation coverage inside the forest, the dispersion degree of the temperature of inside the forest is lower, so that the stability of the environment is higher. Areas of the average daily temperature variation coefficient inside and outside the overall trend of similar, the variation coefficient of overall trend first falling fast, after April decline leveling off, after July presents ascendant trend, the variation coefficient but rising more slowly, and July to November, slightly less than reunite, variation coefficient of forest areas can be found the average daily temperature of discrete degree is smaller. The characteristics of the coefficient of variation for the summer and quarter average daily minimum temperature discrete degree, and the average daily temperature in winter, high levels of discrete and areas inside and outside the coefficient of variation of overall in similar condition. The highest temperature distribution outside of the forest is the highest in the afternoon between 2:00 and 2:30, about 20% to 25%. The lowest temperature is at 6 a.m. to 6:30 a.m., which is about 20%-22%. The highest temperature in the forest is between 2 p.m. and 3 p.m., about 15%-20 %. The lowest temperature is between 5:30 and 6:30 in the morning, and is about 18%-20%. The highest temperature distribution inside the forest is slightly later than outside the forest, but the lowest temperature is similar inside and outside the forest.
Key words: The edge and inside of the forest; Temperature; Research on the characteristics
目 录
1 引言 - 1 -
2 国内外研究概况 - 2 -
2.1 国内研究概况 - 2 -
2.2 国外研究概况 - 3 -
2.3 热岛效应 - 3 -
3 研究区概况 - 5 -
4 研究内容和方法 - 6 -
4.1 研究目标 - 6 -
4.2 研究方法 - 6 -
4.3 数据来源 - 6 -
5 数据处理与结果讨论 - 7 -
5.1 数据处理 - 7 -
5.2 数据分析过程 - 7 -
5.2.1 林内与林外分季节日变化特征 - 7 -
5.2.2 林内与林外月均温变化及差值特征 - 12 -
5.2.3 变异系数 - 13 -
5.2.4 最高温、最低温频度分布直方图 - 15 -
5.2.5 林内与林外日温差与日均温、日辐射分季节相关性分析 - 16 -
结 论 - 18 -
致 谢 - 20 -
参考文献 - 21 -
1 引言
随着社会的一步步发展,人口密度的高度聚集,随之而来的除了经济的发展,科学技术的进步,还有日益严重的环境问题。人们对于城市户外公共空间中小气候舒适度的需求逐步提升[1]。小气候是表征气候变化以及气候形成的重要气象要素,也是影响蒸发的主要因素之一,可增强地面和空气的热量交换 [2~3]。而城市热岛效应(Urban Heat Island Effect)就是在城市化地区的人为活动和部分气象条件共同作用下形成的一种特殊小气候,具体表现为城市化地区比周围非城市地区的大气温度要高[4-5]。随着城市化的进程,城市的规模不断扩大,人口不断增加,城市中的人工建筑物不断增多,而城市中原有的自然植被被人工建筑物所不断取代,导致了城市中的植被覆盖率不断下降。而另一方面,城市中由于工厂的人为排热不断上升,从而导致了城市热岛效应的出现。城市热岛效应不仅对人们的日常生活和工作学习造成了影响,更阻碍了城市的发展和进步。自20世纪50年代以来,就有学者对热岛效应的形成机制、强度、危害、时空变化特征以及影响因素、缓解机制等进行了大量的研究[6]。所以,研究城市热岛效应以及城市森林对热岛效应的控制作用不仅对于认识城市热岛效应以及热量平衡问题具有重要意义,而且在城市环境保护与规划、建筑物布局、生态城市建设、可持续资源循环利用、改善居民生活质量、提高舒适度等方面都有非常重要的实际应用价值[7]。
- 国内外研究概况
2.1 国内研究概况