摘 要
种子的传播关乎植物的繁殖成效,母本植物的生长环境可对子代的形态性状及生长模式产生影响,这是生物适应环境的结果。借助风力传播种子的植物可以将种子播撒到离母本植物较远的地方,使子代生活的环境异于母本所生长的环境而可能得到更好的生存机会。环境差异导致母本植物选择不同的繁殖策略。但这种选择的机制目前尚未定论,在本实验中以鸡爪槭(Acer palmatum)为例,聚焦于母本植物生长环境中的不同的光照条件对种子(以翅果的形式)的形态、质量产生何种的影响,以及种子的形态对于飞行能力有何影响,判断光照条件是否会引起种子传播能力的改变,以及不同的光照条件与种子几种数量性状参数如质量、面积、长宽比、圆度等的关系,间接建立起种子的传播能力与它们的关系,借此来进一步探索风传型种子的传播及繁殖策略。
Seed morphology influenced by light in Acer palmatum
Usually, the success of plants in reproduction also depends on the dispersal traits of seeds. The environment of maternal plants can affect morphological traits and growth pattern of their offspring. Actually this is biological result of adaptation to the environment. Maternal plants can help their wind-dispersed seeds spread to distant places. This behavior makes the living conditions of offspring different from the maternal environments. The growing environment of maternal plants can affect their reproductive (or seeding) strategies. However, the underlying mechanism of their choices is still not clear. In this experiment, we chose Acer palmatum as an example, focusing on the light condition of maternal plants’ growth environment, which may has unknown effects on seed (in the form of samara) mass and morphology. Meanwhile the seed morphology may has effects on their flight performances. These effects will help us to estimate the relationship between different light conditions and several quantitative morphological characteristics of seeds, such as mass, area and roundness; and help us to establish an indirect relationship between the ability of seed dispersal ability with these parameters. By doing so, we can further explore the strategy of the seed dispersal and propagation in wind-dispersed plants.
Key words: light environment; maternal effect; seed; morphology; dispersal; reproduction.
目 录
1 概述………………………………………………………………..………………1
1.1 植物形态性状可塑性的生态学意义……………………………..…………1
1.2 母本环境作用……………………………………………………..…………1
1.2.1 母本作用概述……………………………………………………………1
1.2.2 母本环境对子代性状的影响………………………………….……..……2
1.3 鸡爪槭及其种子简介………………………………………………………2
1.3.1 种子的大小………………………………………………………………3
1.3.2 种子的形态………………………………………………………………3
1.4 关于母本作用影响种子传播的现有研究 …………………………………4
1.4.1 研究种子风力传播的实验方法………………………...………………….4采集种子…………………………….........…………..……………4测量及获得数据……………………...……………….……………4数学分析………………………….......……………………………5 1.4.2 研究种子风力传播的前人研究……………………………………………5
2 实验设计………........................………………………………….………………8
2.1 原理 …………………………………………………………….……………8
2.2 步骤………………………………………………………………...…………8
2.2.1 树及种子的编号…………………………………………...……………8
2.2.2 种子的扫描………………………………………………..……………8
2.2.3 种子质量的称量…………………………………………...……………9
2.2.4 光环境的测量………………………………………………..…………9
2.2.5 种子下落时间的测量……………………………………………………9
3 结果与分析……………………………………………………………………10
4 讨论………………………………………………………………..……………18
1 概述
1.1 植物形态性状可塑性的生态学意义
1.2 关于母本环境作用的生态学意义