摘 要
在生产栽培竹林过程中,为了追求高产,化肥的施用量大大增加。导致竹林中的有机氮、总氮等在土壤中大量积累,而且土壤的理化性质发生变化。在降雨过程中,盈余的氮营养元素易随径流进入水体,不但降低了氮肥施用的经济效益,还会导致水体面源污染等环境问题。本研究通过模拟试验,研究生物炭添加(设置10 t/ha和20 t/ha施用量)技术与植被缓冲带技术耦合对竹林氮流失的减控效果进而优化现有的减控竹林氮流失的工程技术。研究结果表明:
Combination technique of biochar application and buffer strip on reducing nitrogen runoff losses from intensive bamboo forest soil
In the process of producing bamboo forests, the amount of chemical fertilizer has been greatly increased in pursuit of high yield. Lead to the accumulation of organic nitrogen and total nitrogen in the soil, and the physical and chemical properties of the soil changed. In the process of rainfall, the surplus nitrogen nutrient elements are easy to enter the water with the runoff, which not only reduces the economic benefits of nitrogen fertilizer application, but also leads to environmental problems such as non-point source pollution. This study through the simulation test, the research of biochar added (set 10 t/ha and 20 t/ha fertilizer) technology and vegetation buffer technology coupled to bamboo nitrogen loss reduction and control effect and control optimization of reducing nitrogen loss of bamboo existing engineering technology.The results show that:
Addition of biochar amount was positively related to soil nitrogen absorption, the content of total nitrogen in runoff were reduced by 32.4%, 50.1%.With the increase of biochar content, the retention of nitrogen in soil increased.Organic nitrogen and total nitrogen were reduced by 14.6% and 12%, respectively, in buffer treated runoff. The amount of organic nitrogen decreased by 67.1% and the total nitrogen content decreased by 67.5%.
To sum up, adding biochar and setting buffer belt can effectively reduce the nitrogen loss of bamboo forest with intensive management, and the control effect of combined technology is more effective and obvious. The effect of vegetation buffer system on nitrogen loss in the control bamboo forest was not obvious in this experiment.
Key words:Hyphenated technique;Reduction and control;biochar;buffer belt;Nitrogen runoff loss
目 录
1 前言 1
1.1国内外研究现状背景 1
1.2研究目的及意义 2
1.3研究内容及创新 2
2 材料与方法 3
2.1 试验处理 3
2.2分析指标 3
2.3 试验过程 4
3 结果与分析 5
3.1不同技术对竹林土壤径流中铵态氮的减控效果 5
3.2不同技术对竹林土壤径流中硝态氮的减控效果 6
3.3 不同技术对竹林土壤径流中有机氮的减控效果 8
3.4不同技术对竹林土壤径流中总氮的减控效果 9
4 结论及总结 12
4.1生物炭的添加对减控各种形式氮流失量的影响 12
4.2设置缓冲带的必要性 12
4.3联用技术的优势 12
4.4 不足及展望 13
5 致 谢 14
参考文献 15
1 前言