摘 要
Rainfall, runoff and sediment yield in Bailianya cliff reservoir watershed in Dabie Mountains
Land erosion is an important topic of concern to all countries in the world. China is the first to bear the brunt of this issue. Land erosion and destruction of land resources and land fertility, soil erosion is likely to lead to floods, rivers in the soil easily lead to the river blockage, blocking water. If the freshwater resources do not study the corresponding laws of flow-sediment production, it is easy to lead to the waste of fresh water resources, which is not conducive to the full utilization of resources and maintain the sustainable development of the ecological environment. Based on the data of rainfall runoff and sediment yield in Bailianya reservoir over the years, this paper analyzes the changes of flow and sediment concentration in typical rainfall events. The purpose of this study is to reveal the effects of runoff and sediment yield during rainfall General law.
This paper presents the basic location information of the Bailianya area, collects the monthly average rainfall and maximum rainfall in the Bailianya reservoir area in 1965, 1970, 2005 and 2009, and draws the chart of the monthly rainfall change, analyzes the Bailianya Reservoir Regional precipitation characteristics, precipitation trends. At the same time, by comparing the changes of vegetation remote sensing in 1987, 2000 and 2009, the necessity of the area as a research object is summarized.
In this paper, by analyzing the data of runoff and sediment yield of Bailianya reservoir for many years, this paper chooses multiple samples to analyze and classify rainfall events. According to the specific data, the scatter chart is plotted to indicate the change path of sediment change in the change of flow rate, compare the change path of the rising process and the change route of the falling process, summarize the corresponding laws of runoff and sediment yield, and finally put forward the conclusion and force Solution.
Key words: Bailianya reservoir; secondary rainfall; runoff; sediment yield
1绪论 1
1.1课题来源 1
1.2研究目的及意义 1
1.3国内外同类课题研究情况 2
2 白莲崖流域实际现状 3
2.1区域位置 3
2.2天气情况 5
2.3植被变化概况 6
3流域径流和泥沙输移对降雨特征的响应规律 8
3.1影响流域降雨径流产沙因素 8
3.1.1小至中雨事件中降雨量与径流、产沙响应 9
3.1.2大雨事件中降雨量与径流、产沙响应 11
3.1.3暴雨事件中降雨量与径流、产沙响应 12
3.1.4特大暴雨事件中降雨量与径流、产沙响应 13
3.2典型降雨事件径流的流量和产沙过程响应 14
3.3泥沙滞后性 14
4结论与启示 15
4.1结论 15
4.2流域径流和泥沙输移的规律对水土保持措施的启示 15
致谢 17
参考文献 18
1. 绪论
1.1 课题来源
1.2 研究目的以及意义