摘 要
Studies on the utilization value of Styrax tonkinesis
The distribution of main medicinal composition、wood property and nutrient content in different ages of Styrax tonkinesis were analyzed in this paper. The results were shown as follows:
(1)The content of total balsamic acid , total triterpenes in different organs: The content in leaves was the highest, followed by the root, and furthermore, for the branches and stems. There were significant differences in the content of total balsamic acid, total triterpenesin of various organs among different ages of Styrax tonkinesis.
(2)The average value of leaf dry matter was 41.35%, the crude protein content was 7.08%, the fiber content was 15.86%, the content of amino acid was 2.15%. The crude protein content in the leaves of 11 year old trees was 9.076%, and amino acid content in leaves of 8 year old trees was 3.983%.
(3)Cellulose and holocellulose content increased with the increasing of tree age, but the lignin content first decreased and then increased. The content of 1%NaOH extractives decreased with the increasing of tree age; The value of pH increased with the increasing of tree age, it reached the peak in 8 years, but the changes of pH value was generally a little. The cellulose content of Styrax tonkinesis in different ages was between 28.523%-38.007%, the distribution rule of cellulose content in a tree was that there was a low content at both base and top of the trunk and there was a high content at the middle of the tree trunk. The holocellulose content was between 66.936%-75.975%, and the holocellulose content declined with the increasing of tree height; The lignin content was between 19.748%-22.242%, the lignin content increased with the increasing of tree height; The content of 1%NaOH extractives was between 22.422%-26.794%, showing a trend of decreasing with the increasing of tree height, the pH value was between 5.2578-5.3911, the pH value increased with the increasing of tree height.
Keywords: Styrax tonkinesis;tree-age;medicinal composition;chemical composition of wood;content of nutrition
前言 1
1文献综述 2
1.1 东京野茉莉研究现状 2
1.1.1 东京野茉莉的分布生境 2
1.1.2 形态特征 2
1.1.3 生长特性 2
1.2 苗木繁育 3
1.3引种栽培 4
1.4生理特性 4
1.5 开发利用 5
1.6 植物主要部分成分研究 6
1.6.1 植物叶片营养成分研究 6
2 材料和方法 8
2.1 试验地概况 8
2.2 试验材料 8
2.3 试验设计 8
试验设计分为3部分 8
2.4 指标测定方法 8
2.4.1 安息香主要成分的测定 8
2.4.2叶片营养成分含量的测定 9
2.4.3 木材化学成分及pH值的测定 10
2.5 试验数据处理 13
3 试验结果与分析 14
3.1不同树龄东京野茉莉不同器官中主要药用成分含量的差异 14
3.1.1不同树龄东京野茉莉各器官总香脂酸含量及差异 14
3.1.2不同树龄东京野茉莉各器官总三萜含量及差异 14
3.2 东京野茉莉叶片营养成分含量及差异 16
3.3 东京野茉莉木材化学成分及pH值分析 16
3.3.1 木材纤维素含量及差异 17
3.3.2 木材综纤维素含量及差异 18
3.3.3 木材木质素含量及差异 19
3.3.4 木材1%NaOH抽提物含量及差异 20
3.3.5 木材pH值及差异 20
4 讨论 22
4.1不同树龄东京野茉莉各器官主要药用成分含量差异 22
4.2东京野茉莉叶片营养成分分析 22
4.3 东京野茉莉木材化学成分及pH值差异 22
结论 24
致谢 25
参考文献 26
东京野茉莉(Styrax tonkinensis),是安息香科安息香属落叶乔木树种,又名越南安息香、白花树,主要分布在热带和亚热带海拔为100-1000m的低山丘陵区,喜湿润疏松肥沃微酸性土壤;具较强的萌芽更新能力,伐根萌条生长快,年高生长可达1m 以上,径生长1-2cm,主干发达,生物产量较高,特别适合马尾松(Pinus massoniana)或湿地松(Pinus ellottii)纯林的林相改造,也易营造纯林;东京野茉莉木质白色细致,材质松软,木纤维较长,适宜用作纸浆材树种,木材是良好的工业用材;种子可食用和药用,种子油称“白花油”;树脂被称为“安息香”,含有香脂酸,为贵重药材,并可作高级香料;是优良的木本油料树种,可作为发展生物柴油的树种,是短期工业原料林和纯林改造的理想树种之一,也是防风固沙、保持水土的先锋树种。另外,其花成串且清香,可盆栽或做绿化树种[1-4]。