摘 要
本研究从健康大叶黄杨枝条中分离获得了87株内生细菌,其中菌株HYEB5-6在拮抗平皿上对大叶黄杨炭疽病菌(Colletotrichum gloeosporioides)表现出显著抑制作用,HYEB5-6对离体条件下大叶黄杨炭疽病的病斑直径、感病指数也具有显著的抑制作用。研究结果还表明,HYEB5-6的代谢产物对大叶黄杨炭疽病菌的分生孢子萌发率、芽管生长、附着孢形成及其膨压具有显著的抑制作用;诱导大叶黄杨炭疽病芽管菌丝膨大体的形成。这些抑菌作用可能是由于HYEB5-6胞外分泌的β-葡聚糖酶和蛋白酶破坏了菌丝细胞壁的完整性造成的。HYEB5-6还能产生大量的生物膜从而有利于其在植物体表面的定殖。以上结果表明,HYEB5-6是在大叶黄杨炭疽病的生物防治方面有着潜在的应用价值。通过形态学、生理生化特性和16SrRNA的分子鉴定,将HYEB5-6鉴定为甲基营养型芽孢杆菌。
Endophytic bacterium Bacillus methylotrophicus strain HYEB5-6 as a potential biocontrol agent against anthracnose on Euonymus japonicus
Abstract: Euonymus japonicus is an evergreen tree as a garden ornamental plant, and is planted in roads, parks, schools and other public places, even in private gardens.. Anthracnose is a predominant fungal disease of Euonymus japonicas. However, controlling of this disease mainly depends on fungicides, and the widespread use of chemicals in agriculture and forestry has been a subject of public concern and security due to the potential detrimental effects on the environment as well as the possible risks to public health. Therefore,u tilizing antagonistic microorganisms for biological control has emerged as an environmentally friendly approach for managing this diseases.
In this study, 87 endophytic bacteria were isolated from inside one-year-old branches of healthy E. japonicus and HYEB5-6 showed significant antifungal activities against C. gloeosporioides s.s. HYCG2-3, on the dual culture plates. The HYEB5-6 isolate significantly decreased the lesion diameter and disease index caused by C. gloeosporioides inoculation on detached leaves of E. japonicus. The results also showed that the metabolites inhibited conidial germination, the growth of the germ tube and appressorium formation, and induced the swollen bodies in the germ tubes, possibly through protease and glucanase of HYEB5-6 by managing the mycelial cell wall. The HYEB5-6 isolate also produced a massive biofilm, which might facilitate leaf colonization. These results indicated that HYEB5-6 has the potential for use as a biological control agent against C. gloeosporioides. The HYEB5-6 isolate was identified as Bacillus methylotrophicus based on its biochemical and physiological characteristics and its 16S rRNA gene sequence.
Keywords: Biocontrol; invading structure; protease; glucanase; biofilm
目 录
目 录 1
1.前言 1
2. 实验材料和方法 3
2.1 实验材料 3
2.1.1 植物材料 3
2.1.2 供试病原菌 3
2.1.3试剂材料 3
2.2实验方法 3
2.2.1大叶黄杨内生细菌的分离与纯化 3
2.2.2大叶黄杨炭疽病菌生防潜力菌株筛选 3
2.2.3 内生细菌HYEB5-6对大叶黄杨炭疽病的生防作用效果测定 4
2.2.4 HYEB5-6的代谢产物对大叶黄杨炭疽病菌侵染结构的影响测定 4
2.2.5 HYEB5-6胞外水解酶活性的测定 5
2.2.6 HYEB5-6生物膜的形成及其粘附细胞的含量 6
2.2.7 HYEB5-6的抑菌谱测定 6
2.2.8 HYEB5-6的鉴定 6
3 结果与分析 7
3.1对大叶黄杨炭疽病具有生防作用的内生细菌的获得 7
3.2 HYEB-6对多种植物病原真菌的抑菌作用 7
3.3 HYEB5-6对大叶黄杨炭疽病的生防效果 8
3.4 HYEB5-6生物膜形成能力 9
3.5 HYEB5-6的代谢产物对大叶黄杨炭疽病菌分生孢子的萌发、菌丝形态和附着胞及其膨压的影响 9
3.6 HYEB5-6对大叶黄杨炭疽病菌菌丝细胞壁完整性的影响 11
3.7HYEB5-6的胞外水解酶活性 12
3.8 HYEB5-6的种类鉴定 13
4.结论与讨论 14
致 谢 16
参考文献 17
植物炭疽病是一类世界性的植物病害,该病主要分布于热带和亚热带地区,目前已知的侵染寄主超过3200种植物,给农林业生产造成巨大损失(Waller et al., 1992;Dean et al. 2012)。此外,目前建立的炭疽病菌与拟南芥(Arabidopsis thaliala)的互作系统也成为探讨微生物与寄主植物互作机制的理想模式(O'Connell et al., 2012)。因此,由于重要的经济价值和科学研究价值,炭疽病被列为全球十大的最重要的植物病害之一(Dean et al. 2012;)。
树木炭疽病一般是由刺盘孢属(Colletotrichum)的病原真菌引起,主要危害木本树木的叶、果部分,引起树木过早的落叶、落果,严重时会引起寄主植物枯萎死亡(朱克恭,1989)。大叶黄杨(Euonymus japonicus)是一种重要的常绿树种,在我国被广泛用于公园、校园、公共绿地和庭院的绿化(Huang et al., 2016)。大叶黄杨炭疽病是该树种在栽培中的一类常见病害,该病主要侵染大叶黄杨的叶片,引起叶片的枯萎、脱落,严重影响了其观赏价值,胶孢炭疽病菌(C. gloeosporioides)是该病的病原菌(Huang et al., 2016;易艳梅等,2003)。植物炭疽病的防治主要依赖于杀菌剂,如苯菌灵、代森锰、百菌清、代森锰锌等化学药剂在历史上被广泛使用来控制炭疽病(Mahoney and Tattar, 1980)。然而化学杀菌剂的使用增加导致真菌菌株的抗药性增强(Howarth,1991;Peres et al., 2004)。此外在农业和林业中广泛使用化学杀菌剂会引起严重的环境安全问题,这些化学物质会对环境和非靶标生物造成严重破坏(Cook,1993;Heydar iet al.,2007)。与化学防治相比,生物防治具有绿色、高效、环境友好的特点,已经成为植物病害防治的理想选择。其中,植物内生菌是由于经过与寄主植物长期协同进化,在寄主体内能稳定存在并持续发挥抑菌作用,因此在植物病害的防治中有着广阔的应用前景。