
 2021-04-23 10:04

摘 要

本文以‘奥斯特’北美冬青(Ilex verticillata 'Oosterwijk' )1 a生扦插苗为试验材料,在人工气候室条件下,对不同浓度Nacl溶液处理下的北美冬青的生长表现和叶片的生长形态、光合指标影响效果进行了研究,得出结果如下:

1.不同浓度Nacl溶液处理对北美冬青的生长表现有显著影响。处理30 d后,4个浓度Nacl溶液处理下的苗高和地径差异不显著,但是4个浓度Nacl溶液处理下的新梢数量和新梢长度都存在极显著差异。


3.不同浓度Nacl溶液处理对北美冬青的光合指标有较大影响。叶片的蒸腾速率、气孔导度和净光合速率都存在极显著差异,0.05%浓度Nacl溶液处理下,蒸腾速率(EVAP)、气孔导度(Gs)和净光合速率(Pn)均为最高, 0.2%浓度Nacl溶液处理下以上3个指标均为最低;4个浓度Nacl溶液处理下,细胞间隙CO2(Ci)浓度也存在极显著差异,0.2%浓度处理下该指标最高。

关键词:盐胁迫; Nacl溶液;生长指标;叶片形态;光合特性

Experimental study on the effect of different salt concentration on the stress of holly


Based on Ilex verticillata 'Oosterwijk' annual westas experimental material, under the condition of artificial climate chamber, the growth of north American Holly under the different Salt concentration treatment performance and the growth of leaf morphology, photosynthesis, effect was studied, the influence of the results are as follows:

1. Different salinity treatment on the North American holly growth performance differences, four salinity treatments of seedling height and ground diameter does not exist significant differences, but four salinity treatments on shoot number and shoot length are extremely significant difference.

2. Different salinity treatment on the North American holly leaf morphology and performance differences, four salinity treatment top leaf length has significant differences, middle leaves long exist significant differences, bottom of leaves is very significant difference. There was very significant difference in the total number of leaves under salinity treatment, there was no significant difference in the top of the leaf area, there was a significant difference in the middle, and there was a very significant difference.

3. The photosynthetic indexes of the different salinity environments have great influence on the photosynthesis indexes of the North American holly. Leaf transpiration rate, stomatal conductance and net photosynthesis rate have significant differences, 0.05% salinity treatments of transpiration rate, stomatal guide and net photosynthesis photosynthetic rate was the highest, 0.2% salinity treatment lowest; four salinity treatments of intercellular CO2 concentration also exist significant differences, but differences just opposite.

Key words: Salt concentration; leaf physiological indexes,;growth index

目 录

1 前言 1

2 文献综述 2

2.1 选题依据和课题来源 2

2.2 国内外研究现状 2

2.2.1 品种介绍 2

2.2.2 生理特性 3

2.2.3园林应用 3

2.2.4 切枝观赏 3

2.3 居室盆栽 3

2.3.1 环境美化 3

2.3.2引种栽培 4

2.3.3繁育技术 4

2.3.4播种繁殖 4

2.3.5插枝繁殖——硬枝扦插和嫩枝扦插 4

2.3.6嫁接繁殖 4

2.3.7组织培养 5

3 试验材料和方法 6

3.1试验地概括 6

3.2试验材料及处理 6

3.3试验方法 6

3.3.1生长形态指标 6

3.3.2生理指标 7

3.4数据处理与分析 7

4 结果分析 8

4.1不同浓度Nacl溶液对北美冬青的生长表现比较 8

4.1.1苗高变化 8

4.1.2地径变化 8

4.1.3新梢变化 9

4.2不同浓度Nacl溶液对北美冬青的叶片形态变化比较 10

4.2.1顶部单株叶片长度变化 10

4.2.2中部单株叶片长度变化 10

4.2.3底部单株叶片长度变化 11

4.2.4单株叶片数量变化 12

4.2.5单株叶片面积变化 12顶部单株叶片面积变化 12中部单株叶片面积变化 13底部单株叶片面积变化 13

4.3不同浓度Nacl溶液下北美冬青的光和指标变化情况 14

4.3.1 EVAP变化 14

4.3.2 Gs变化 14

4.3.3 Pn变化 15

4.3.4 Ci变化....................................................................... ...................................................................... ....15

5 结论与讨论........................................................................ .......................................................................17



  1. 前言

北美冬青(Ilex verticillata )为冬青科冬青属多年生落叶灌木,俗称winterberry,又名轮生冬青,美洲冬青,原产美国东北部和加拿大南部,北美冬青与冬青科大多常绿树种不同,其特点是冬季落叶。落叶后,密集、亮丽的红果挂满枝头,十分耀眼和喜庆。在欧美北美冬青作为切枝观果、景观美化等广泛栽培应用。北美冬青抗性强,适应性广,生长中等,能正常开花、结果和冬季落叶,是秋冬切枝、环境美化和盆栽的优良观赏树种。北美冬青树高2 m~3 m,浅根性,主根不明显,须根发达;叶互生,单叶,长卵型,边缘硬齿状,表面无毛、绿色,嫩叶古铜色,叶背面略白且多毛;雌雄异株,花白色,着生叶腋处,雌花3~6朵丛生,雄花几十朵丛生;浆果,红色,2~3果丛生,单果种子数为4~6粒。

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