摘 要
Changes of soil nutrients in Chinese fir plantations of different age
Jiangxi province is the center of China's Chinese fir plantations. In recent years, the total forest volume and the total output value of the forestry are among the best in China. However, with the continuous development of Chinese fir industry, some regions have experienced the decline of soil fertility and the gradual slowing down of Chinese fir growth.Therefore, the research on the evolution of soil quality of Chinese fir plantation forest land, especially the systematic research on the characteristics of forest land and the present situation of forestry development in jiangxi province, needs to be further deepened.Therefore, the law of soil fertility evolution in Chinese fir plantation is not only conducive to the rational use of soil, the prevention of forest ecosystem degradation and the protection of ecological environment, but also provides a basis for forest soil management and sustainable development regulation.
In this paper, several generations of continuous cultivation in guanshan forest field of yongfeng county, jiangxi province and artificial pure forests of Chinese fir of different ages were taken as the research object, soil nutrients and chemical properties were determined and analyzed, and the results showed that:
(1) the change of soil available nutrients in Chinese fir plantations of different age indicated that the young forest was relatively high, and the nutrient content decreased obviously at medium age, and then increased to mature forest.This indicates that during the growth of Chinese fir plantation to medium forest age, the required nutrients are the most, and after the growth to mature forest stage, in order to maintain normal photosynthesis, respiration and so on, the required nutrients decline, making the soil fertility increase.
(2) from the point of the whole Chinese fir growth cycle, phosphorus, potassium content is significantly reduced, especially in P, its content is far lower than the threshold needed for the Chinese fir growth, in the lack of state for a long time, to show a lack of K element, it is recommended that increasing P fertilizer application in the production, to ensure the normal growth and development of Chinese fir, increase production.
(3) Soil pH value and total acidity were significantly different in different forest ages and soil layers, and the soil became more acidic with the growth of Chinese fir.This indicated that the older the cedar stand was, the stronger the effect on soil properties was.
Key words : Chinese fir plantation;Soil nutrients;Influence factor;Research technique
1研究背景 - 1 -
1.1研究的目的与意义 - 1 -
2 研究进展 - 2 -
2.1杉木概述 - 2 -
2.1.1杉木的主要用途 - 2 -
2.2 杉木人工林土壤概况 - 3 -
2.2.1杉木人工林林下土壤物理性质 - 3 -
2.2.2杉木人工林土壤化学性质 - 3 -
2.3导致杉木人工林土壤效力低下原因 - 4 -
2.3.1栽植制度 - 4 -
2.3.2营林活动 - 4 -
2.3.3肥料的施用 - 5 -
3研究地概况与研究方法 - 6 -
3.1研究地概况 - 6 -
3.2研究方法 - 7 -
3.2.1样地设置以及样品采集 - 7 -
3.2.2实验项目与分析方法 - 7 -
4结果与分析 - 8 -
4.1不同林龄杉木人工林土壤全磷变化 - 8 -
4.2不同林龄杉木人工林土壤全钾变化 - 9 -
4.3不同林龄杉木人工林pH值、水解性总酸度变化 - 11 -
结论 - 14 -
致 谢 - 15 -
参考文献 - 16 -
早在19世纪初,中国林业人提出人工林土壤肥力衰退的相关问题,当时这种衰退现象在被称为为“第二代效应”。这是因为在种植园的栽培和栽培过程中土壤形成过程和土壤成熟过程已经发生变化,结果,土壤性质恶化,不能很好的满足林木生长需求,出现土壤理化性质退变、土壤生物多样性减少、土壤肥力下降、林分生产力降低等现象[1]。杉木(Cunninghamia lanceolata)作为我国特有的速生丰产树种,因其生长迅速和材质优良的特点深受林农的青睐[2]。但近年来,由于杉木人工林的不正确的营林措施以及为实现增产行使连载制度,使得林地土壤出现地理衰退、微生物含量降低、土壤中毒等问题,导致木材产量下降,现已严重威胁到我国杉木的生长生产[3]。因此改善杉木低效用材林是解决南方低效人工林改造问题的主要研究方面。
2 研究进展