摘 要
漆树(Rhus verniciflua stckes)属漆树科漆属的落叶乔木,作为特种经济树种,由于其带动了许多农村地区的社会经济发展而受到各界的重视。为提高漆树人工林的生产力,本文以陕西省平利县的漆树人工林作为研究对象,根据林龄挑选40个样地,通过在每块标准样地内进行每木检尺,测定胸径、树高、枝下高、冠幅等林分结构因子的数量特征,并调查和收集林下植被、地形因子(海拔、坡向、坡度、坡位)、以及土壤理化性质等环境特征,探讨漆树人工林生长与立地因子之间的关系,找出影响漆树人工林生长的主要因子,以期为今后漆树经营管理提供参考。具体研究结果如下:
- 通过不同立地因子对不同林龄的漆树人工林生长的因子得分矩阵可以看出,地形因子中坡向、坡位以及坡度贡献率较高,土壤因子中土层厚度以及有机质含量贡献率较高。
- 将主导立地因子与漆树人工林平均胸径进行相关性分析,发现土层厚度与胸径生长量的相关性较高,坡度与其相关性随着林龄的增长逐渐增高(坡度与胸径生长量为负相关),而有机质含量与其相关性仅在幼林期较高。
- 将主导立地因子与漆树人工林优势树高进行相关性分析,发现坡向与树高生长量的相关性较高(坡向与树高生长量为负相关),而坡向与土层厚度与其相关性随着年龄的逐渐增加而逐渐降低。
- 影响10年生漆树人工林平均胸径生长的立地因子大小排序为土壤因子>有机质含量因子>坡度因子;影响15年生漆树人工林平均胸径生长的立地因子大小排序为土壤因子>坡度因子>有机质含量因子,其中坡度因子的相关性为负相关;影响20年生漆树人工林平均胸径生长的立地因子大小排序为土壤因子>坡度因子>有机质含量因子,其中坡度因子的相关性为负相关。
- 影响10年生漆树人工林优势树高生长的立地因子大小排序为土壤因子>坡向因子>有机质含量因子。影响15年生漆树人工林优势树高生长的立地因子大小排序为坡度因子>有机质含量因子。影响20年生漆树人工林优势树高生长的立地因子为坡向因子。
Study on Key Site Factors of Lacquer Tree Plantation in Pingli County
Lacquer (Rhus verniciflua stckes) tree is a deciduous tree of Lacquer family. As a special economic tree species, Lacquer tree has attracted great attention from all walks of life because of its social and economic development in many rural areas. In order to improve the productivity of lacquer plantation, 40 plots of lacquer plantation in Pingli County, Shaanxi Province were selected according to the age of the forest. The quantitative characteristics of stand structure factors such as DBH, tree height, height under branches and crown width were measured in each standard sample plot, and the vegetation and terrain factors (altitude, slope direction, slope, slope position) were investigated and collected. The relationship between the growth of lacquer tree plantation and site factors was discussed, and the main factors affecting the growth of lacquer tree plantation were found out, so as to provide reference for the management of lacquer tree in the future. The results are as follows:
- According to the factor score matrix of lacquer plantation growth with different site factors and different forest ages, it can be seen that the contribution rate of slope direction, slope position and slope is higher in topographic factors, and the contribution rate of soil thickness and organic matter content in soil factors is higher.
- The correlation between dominant site factors and average DBH of lacquer tree plantation was analyzed. It was found that the correlation between soil thickness and DBH growth was higher. The correlation between slope and aspect and DBH growth was gradually increased with the increase of forest age (slope and aspect were negatively correlated with DBH growth), while the correlation between organic matter content and DBH growth was higher only in young forest stage.
- The correlation between dominant site factors and dominant tree height of lacquer plantation was analyzed. It was found that the correlation between slope aspect and tree height growth was higher (slope and aspect were negatively correlated with tree height growth), while the correlation between slope and soil thickness was gradually reduced with the increase of age.
- The order of site factors affecting the average DBH growth of 10-year-old lacquer plantation is soil factor gt; organic matter content factor gt; slope aspect factor; the order of site factors affecting the average DBH growth of 15-year-old lacquer plantation is soil factor gt; slope factor gt; organic matter content factor, and the correlation of slope factor is negative correlation; the order of site factors affecting the average DBH growth of 20-year-old lacquer plantation is soil factor gt; slope factor gt; organic matter content factor. The order of site factors of diameter growth was soil factor gt; slope factor gt; organic matter content factor, and the correlation of slope factor was negative correlation.
- The order of site factors affecting the height growth of dominant trees in 10-year-old lacquer plantation was soil factor gt; slope factor gt; organic matter content factor. The site factors affecting the height growth of dominant trees in 15-year-old lacquer plantation were ranked as slope factor gt; organic matter content factor. The site factor affecting the height growth of dominant trees in 20-year-old lacquer plantation is the slope factor.
Key words:Lacquer tree plantation;site factor;growth factor
目 录
1引言 1
1.1 研究目的与意义 1
1.2 国内外研究现状 1