摘 要
(2)分析结果表明,用EC450土壤原位电导率测定仪测得的土壤电导率与实验室测定结果之间为正相关关系,R²=0.8943,线性回归方程:y=0.1251x 77.142。EC450电导率仪的测定结果具有较高的可靠性,可用于快速测定田间土壤电导率。(3)综合分析认为,可以采用EC450土壤原位电导率测定仪对土壤电导率来进行迅速测定,测定出来的结果真实可信。在用EC450土壤原位电导率测定仪测定和在实验室室内用烘干法测定两种方法中,用EC450对土壤电导率进行测定,能够直接在试验地进行,方法简单、节省时间;而用烘干法进行检测,必须实验室室内操作,虽然比较精准,但是费时费事,所以我们在生活应用时可依据实际需求来挑选。
Relationship between the determination of conductivity of EC450 portable soil in situ salt analyzer and soil salinity
Saline-alkali soil is the general designation of saline soil and alkaline earth. It refers to the soil containing relatively high soluble salts and causing inhibition or harm to plant growth. Under the background of extremely tight land resources in the world,Improving, developing and utilizing saline-alkali land has important practical significance.However, in the research work of improving and utilizing saline-alkali soil, it is very important to measure soil conductivity, salinity and other indexes quickly and accurately.In this study, EC450 soil in-situ conductivity meter was used to measure the conductivity of saline-alkali soil in the field, and the correlation analysis between the results and laboratory measurements of conductivity and total salt content was carried out, then create a regression modela.The results of the experimental research are :
(1)As the conductivity of the soil increases, the total salt content of the soil also increases. The results show that it is feasible to calculate the total salt content of soil by measuring the electrical conductivity.
(2) Results obtained from analysis in the figure , there is a positive correlation between the soil conductivity measured by the in situ conductivity tester EC450 and the measured results in the laboratory, R2 = 0.8943, and the linear equation of regression is y = 0.1251x 77.142.
(3) The comprehensive analysis shows that the soil conductivity can be determined rapidly by EC450 in situ conductivity tester, and the measured results are reliable. In the two methods of in-situ conductivity measurement with EC450 and drying method in laboratory, the soil conductivity measurement with EC450 can be directly carried out in the test site, and the method is simple and time saving. Drying method for testing, must be laboratory operation, the accuracy is higher at the same time, but time and trouble, in real life applications can be selected according to the requirements.
Keywords:EC450 soil in situ conductivity teste;Total salt content of soil;soil pH;conductivity
目 录
1. 前言 1
1.1研究背景 1
1.2国内外研究现状 1
1.2.1盐碱土的现状及危害 1
1.2.2电导率与土壤含盐量相关关系研究 2
1.2.3土壤盐分测定方法发展 3
1.3研究目的及意义 4
2研究区概况与研究方法 5
2.1研究区概况 5
2.2研究方法 5
2.2.1样地设置 5
2.2.2样品采集 5
2.2.3室内实验分析 6
2.3数据处理 6
3结果与分析 7
3.1土壤全盐量与电导率的关系 7
3.2试验地土壤pH及电导率变化 8
3.3 EC450田间实测电导率与土壤全盐量的相关关系 9
3.4 EC450田间实测电导率与实验室分析结果的关系 10
3.5讨论 11
结 论 12
致 谢 13
参考文献 14
- 前言