摘 要
Studies on the Growth and Physiological Characteristics of Ginkgo biloba L.
Ginkgo biloba is the only single genus tree species in China. It is a unique economic tree species in China. It is the oldest gymnosperm in the world. Its historical origin can be traced back to the Jurassic Period. It has important scientific value and is a rare plant under the second-class protection of the country. Each part of Ginkgo biloba has high economic value and use value, especially the extract of Ginkgo biloba leaves, which is an important raw material for many products. Ginkgo biloba also has excellent ornamental value. In this experiment, three-year-old seedlings of Ginkgo biloba in Jinchang area were used as rootstocks and Scions as 6 strains of Ginkgo biloba with good growth. Grafting method was adopted. By measuring the photosynthetic index, physiological and biochemical index and flavonoid content of Different Ginkgo strains in growing season, suitable strains with higher leaf value were selected to provide basis for ginkgo leaf industry in China. The test results show that:
(1) The water content of six strains ranged from high to low: 16 gt; Buddha finger = 13 gt; big spike gt; 27 gt; Yefeng, among which Yefeng strain was low, while the other five strains had little difference.
(2) The specific leaf area of six strains was 27 gt; Yefeng gt; 16 gt; Buddha finger class gt; Big spike gt; 13, and the difference between 27 # and Yefeng was not very big, almost the same.
(3) The soluble sugar content of each strain was about 25%. The content ranged from high to low: big panicle gt; Yefeng gt; 16 # gt; 13 # gt; Buddha finger gt; 27 #. The difference between big panicle strain and other five strains was very significant, and the growth condition was the best.
(4) The soluble protein content of 6 strains was about 1.5 mg. G-1. The content ranged from high to low as follows: Yefeng gt; Buddha finger gt; 27 gt; 13 gt; Big spike gt; 16.
(5) The order of net photosynthetic rate from high to low was 27 gt; 16 gt; 13 gt; big spike gt; Buddha finger gt; Yefeng, of which 27 # and 16 # had the best photosynthetic ability, while other strains were weaker.
(6) The chlorophyll content of six strains ranged from high to low: 16 gt; big flower panicle gt; Yefeng gt; 13 gt; 27 gt; Buddha finger. The chlorophyll content of big flower panicle and 16 # were similar.
(7) According to the content of flavonoids, six strains were classified into two categories: Yefeng, 16 # and Big Flower Panicle. The content of flavonoids in 13 #, 27 # and Buddha finger was relatively high.
(8) According to the correlation analysis, the content of flavonoids was negatively correlated with the net photosynthetic rate, while the net photosynthetic rate was negatively correlated with the specific leaf area.
Key words: Ginkgo biloba; Grafting; Physiological indicators; Flavonoid c
目 录
目 录 1
1文献综述 1
1.1银杏概述 1
1.2银杏苗木的发展和现状 2
1.3叶用银杏培育技术 3
2材料与方法 4
2.1 试验地及试验材料 4
2.1.1 试验地概况 4
2.1.2 试验材料 4
2.2 测定指标与方法 4
2.2.1 叶片含水率及比叶面积 5
2.2.2 叶片生理生化指标 5
2.2.3 次生代谢产物黄酮(HPLC)含量的测定方法 6
3 结果与分析 7
3.1 银杏叶片含水量及比叶面积 7
3.2 叶片内含物质含量 7
3.2.1可溶性糖含量 8
3.2.2可溶性蛋白质含量 8
3.2.3叶片叶绿素含量 9
3. 3 各品系黄酮含量测定分析 10
3. 4 各指标间相关性分析 10
4 结论与讨论 11
致 谢 12
参考文献 13
我国具有丰富的银杏资源,国内的银杏资源占了全世界的70 %以上[3]。银杏具有较高的经济价值,世界上已有几十个国家栽种培育利用银杏,把银杏作为一种经济林树种而大力发展[4]。现如今银杏在我国分布特别广,在山东、河南、江苏等均有大量分布[5]。同时也因为这些地域分散,自然条件差异大,种质资源异常丰富,导致银杏资源开发利用的研究还有待进一步深入和扩展。