摘 要
Study on Clone Breeding of Ginkgo biloba L.for Leaf Use in Tangshan Area.
Ginkgo has very high economic value. Ginkgo fruit contains a variety of nutrients, which have dietary and medical effects. Its trunk can be used as rootstock and wood. Its leaves can be used as functional food additives in food industry. It can also be directly processed as potential food or as feed additives. The extract can be used to treat cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, and has considerable economic benefits. Six Ginkgo clones (Dong ting Huang, Dong ting Buddhist Hand, Tiema 2, Yefeng, Big Flower Spike and Big Buddha Finger) were randomly block grafted. The growth indexes of the grafted plants (the number of leaves of scion buds, the length and thickness of annual branches) and the physiological indexes of the leaves of the grafted plants (chlorophyll content, specific leaf area) were investigated, and the most suitable clones for Tangshan leaf were selected. Species, to provide help for ginkgo leaf industry in northern China. Analysis of variance of the test results of six code lines:
(1) The specific leaf area of six grafted plants ranged from large to small as follows: 13#、Yefeng、big flower spike、16#、27#、Buddha finger. Among them, the difference between 13 # and the big Buddha finger is very significant.
(2) The content of soluble sugar in leaves of six grafted plants ranged from high to low as follows: 16#、13#、big flower spike、27#、Yefeng 、Buddha finger. The difference between 16 # and Big Buddha Finger and Ye Feng is very significant.
(3) The content of soluble protein in leaves of six grafted plants ranged from high to low as follows: Buddha finger、big flower spike、Ye Feng、13#、27#、16#. Significant differences were found between Big Buddha Finger and Big Flower Spike and 13#,27#,16#.
(4) The chlorophyll content in leaves of six grafted plants ranged from high to low as follows: big flower spike、16#、Buddha finger、27#、13#、Yefeng. The difference between large spikes and leaf abundance is very significant.
(5) The content of flavonoids in leaves of six grafted plants ranged from high to low as follows: Yefeng、13#、16#、big flower spike、27#、Buddha finger. There was a significant difference between the big spike and 27 #, and there was a significant difference among the other four clones.
(6) According to the growth index, the number of leaves of six grafted plants was in the order of big Buddha finger, 27#,Yefeng, big spike, 16#,13# .
Key words: Ginkgo biloba L., randomized block design, Growth index, Clone photosynthetic, Flavonoids,
目 录
1文献综述 6
1.1 银杏概述及研究目的和意义 6
1.2 银杏选育研究概况 7
1.3 叶用银杏培育技术 9
2材料与方法 11
2.1 试验地及试验材料 11
2.1.1 试验地概况 11
2.1.2 试验材料 11
2.2 测定指标与方法 12
2.2.1 叶片比叶面积 12
2.2.2 叶片生理指标 12
2.2.3 次生代谢产物黄酮(HPLC)含量的测定方法
2.2.4 嫁接株生长指标………………………………………………………………. ..14
2.3 数据处理 ………………………………………………………………………………..
3 结果与分析 15
3.1 银杏叶片含水量及比叶面积 15
3.2 叶片内含物质含量 15
3.2.1可溶性糖含量 15
3.2.2可溶性蛋白质含量 16
3.2.3叶片叶绿素含量 16
3.3 各品系黄酮含量测定分析 17
3.4 嫁接株生长指标分析 17
3.5 各指标间相关性分析………………………………………………………………. ..17
4结论 18
致 谢 20
参考文献 21
银杏(Ginkgo biloba L.)为银杏科、银杏属。其根系较深为落叶乔木,喜光怕涝但耐旱。银杏对大气污染具有一定的抵抗能力,对土壤的适应能力较强,最适宜生长在深厚肥沃且透水透气性能良好的砂质土壤上,对于温度的需求则是年平均温度在8℃-20℃之间满足银杏的生长[1]。银杏树具有中型的宽叶是裸子植物中独一无二的,其高可达四十米,胸径可至四米,其主干上部的侧枝底部会向下生长形成一种变态枝称为枝生垂乳,除此之外还有根生和干生垂乳,这些统称垂乳银杏,是银杏家族中的一特异种质[2]。