摘 要
Observation and analysis of leaf color change of Ginkgo biloba
Ginkgo biloba is widely planted in urban landscape because of its bright color and long viewing period. However, it is not clear why the leaves of Ginkgo biloba appear golden color, which limits the theoretical research and practical application of Ginkgo biloba. In this experiment, the changes of leaf color, pigment content, physiological and biochemical indexes were analyzed in order to provide a theoretical basis for revealing the cause of leaf color change of Ginkgo biloba. As a result, the following results can be obtained:
( 1 ) The brightness value L * , the hue values a * and b * were measured by color difference , and the correlation of chlorophyll and chlorophyll was determined by spectrophotometry with acetone - ethanol mixed solution . The results showed that the content of chlorophyll could directly influence the color of leaf color , and chlorophyll b was dominant , and the value of chlorophyll b was higher than that of chlorophyll a .
The increase of chlorophyll content can inhibit the color of the parameter L * value and the b * value , so that the brightness and the chroma of the leaf color are reduced .
The content of soluble sugar in leaves was determined by anthrone colorimetry. The results showed that the content of soluble sugar in golden leaf and green leaf had little change, and the correlation was not significant. It was inferred that the change of soluble sugar content had little effect on leaf color.
- the changes of soluble protein content in leaves were measured by Coomassie brilliant blue G-250 staining. The results showed that the protein content of Jin Yezhong was significantly higher than that of green leaf ginkgo, reaching a significant level (plt;0.05). As time changed, the content of Jin Yezhong protein increased, the leaf green content decreased, and the leaf color showed a "green turn yellow" change; and green. The content of protein in leaf is much lower than that of gold leaf, and the increase of the protein is lower than that of gold leaf, while the content of chlorophyll is obviously higher than that of gold leaf.
Key words: ginkgo biloba; chlorophyll; leaf color; soluble protein; soluble sugar.
目 录
前言 1
1文献概述 2
1.1 银杏概述及栽培现状 2
1.1.1银杏概述 2
1.1.2银杏栽培现状 2
1.2 金叶银杏概述及研究现状 3
1.2.1金叶银杏概述 3
1.2.2金叶银杏色素分析 3
1.2.3金叶银杏研究现状 4
1.3研究的目的意义 5
2 材料与方法 6
2.1 试验地概况 6
2.2 试验材料 6
2.3 试验方法 6
2.3.1 叶形叶色变化观察 6
2.3.2 苗高、地径生长量测定 6
2.3.3 叶色参数测定 6
2.3.4 叶绿素含量的测定 7
2.3.5 可溶性糖含量的测定 7
2.3.6 可溶性蛋白含量的测定 8
3 数据与分析 9
3.1 叶形叶色多样性 9
3.2 苗高、地径生长量分析 10
3.3 叶色色差参数比较分析 11
3.4 叶绿素含量变化分析 13
3.5 可溶性糖含量变化分析 15
3.6 可溶性蛋白含量变化分析 16
3.7 叶色参数与叶绿素相关性分析 17
4 结果与讨论 18
致 谢 20
参 考 文 献 21
- 银杏概述及栽培现状
在银杏研究历史上,银杏的外观形态是最早的分类依据。1854年,Carriere首先根据银杏的叶片形态划分为裂叶银杏和斑叶银杏这2类,Beissner L则将银杏种级以下定为变型,从而奠定了银杏分类的基础[1]。而植物学分类法则是根据树冠形态和枝叶变化将银杏分为6类:塔型银杏、垂枝银杏、裂叶银杏、斑叶银杏、黄叶银杏、叶籽银杏[2]。目前从广义上来说,银杏栽培品种主要分为五大类:核用品种、叶用品种、观赏品种、雄株品种及材用品种[3]。