摘 要
- 6个品系的叶绿素含量从高到低排列:大花穗>27#>佛指类>13#>叶丰>16#,大花穗和27#与其他品系相比差别极显著;
Studies on the Growth and Physiological Characteristics of Ginkgo biloba L.
Ginkgo is a unique economic tree species in China, its leaves, flowers, fruits and its own wood have higher economic value, and it also has a very good ornamental value. In this experiment, three year old seedlings of Ginkgo biloba in Pizhou area were used as rootstock and scions were selected as 6 Ginkgo biloba lines with good growth. By measuring the photosynthetic index, physiological and biochemical index and flavonoids content of different Ginkgo biloba varieties in growing season, the clones with suitable growth and high leaf value were selected to provide the basis for the industry of Ginkgo biloba leaves in China. The results show that:
(1) the water content of 6 lines ranged from high to low in the order of: 16# gt; phalanophora gt; 13# gt; 27# gt; big flower panicle gt; Ye Feng, the big flower ear and Ye Feng varieties were low, the other four lines were not bad;
(2) the specific leaf area of the six lines was as follows: Ye Feng gt; big flower ear gt; 27 # gt; Buddha finger gt; 13 # gt; 16 #.There were significant differences in leaf area between Ye Feng and big flower ears compared with other ginkgo biloba, and the leaves were large and thin.
(3) the soluble sugar content of each strain was about 3.5%, the content of which ranged from high to low: 13# gt; 27# gt; phalanophora gt; Yefeng gt; 16# gt; Dazhuaitou 13# and the other five lines, and the growth state was the best.
(4)The soluble protein content of 6 lines was about 1.6mg·g-1, and the content of soluble protein was as follows: 1. 27# gt; Yefeng gt; phalanoptera gt; 13# gt; big flower spike gt; 16#C27# and Yefeng had very significant difference with other lines.
(5)The photosynthetic capacity of 6 lines was the best, 27# and 16#, while the others were weaker.
(6)The chlorophyll content of 6 lines ranged from high to low: big flower spike gt; 27# gt; Buddha finger gt; 13# gt; Ye Feng gt; #16.The difference of big flower ear and 27# was extremely significant compared with other lines.
(7)According to the determination of flavonoids content, the six strains were divided into two groups, the flavonoids content was lower, the content of flavonoids in Ye Feng, big flower ear, Buddha finger was relatively high, and the content of flavonoids was relatively high in this kind of flavonoids.
(8)According to the determination of flavonoids content was negatively correlated with the net photosynthetic rate, while the net photosynthetic rate was negatively correlated with the specific leaf area.
Key words:Ginkgo biloba L., randomized block design, Flavonoids, physiological indicators, Photosynthesis
目 录
1文献综述 1
1.1 银杏概述 1
1.2银杏选育研究概况 1
1.3 叶用银杏培育技术 2
2材料与方法 4
2.1 试验地及试验材料 4
2.1.1 试验地概况 4
2.1.2 试验材料 4
2.2 测定指标与方法 4
2.2.1 叶片含水率及比叶面积 4
2.2.2 叶片光合作用指数 5
2.2.3 叶片生理生化指标 5
2.2.4 次生代谢产物黄酮(HPLC)含量的测定方法 6
3 结果与分析 7
3.1 银杏叶片含水量及比叶面积 7
3.2 叶片内含物质含量 8
3.2.1可溶性糖含量 8
3.2.2可溶性蛋白质含量 8
3.2.3叶片叶绿素含量 9
3.3 光合指标分析 10
3.4 各品系黄酮含量测定分析 12
3.5各指标间相关性分析 12
4结论与讨论 14
致 谢 15
参考文献 16
1.1 银杏概述
银杏(Ginkgo biloba)是银杏科落叶乔木,雌雄异株,银杏雌树的枝轮生,而雄银杏的枝是直立互生[1]。银杏的根系较深,对光照敏感,对干旱抗性强,并且对大气污染同样具有较强的抗性,对土壤的适应能力也强,最适宜生长的土壤是深厚肥沃通透性良好的砂质土壤,银杏的适生温度为8℃-20℃之间[2]。银杏可以采用播种繁殖和无性嫁接繁殖[3]。银杏的叶片在长枝上散生,但在短枝上却簇生,它的叶脉形式为“二歧状分叉叶脉”,不是常见类型。银杏的经济价值特别大,首先,银杏的叶片中含有黄酮成分,可以提取出来治疗疾病;其次,银杏的果可以食用,具有抑菌杀菌的作用;银杏的干通直,可以打造家具。
1.2 银杏选育研究概况