摘 要
Study on Determination of phenotypic diversity and its selection of Heterophyll family of Malus‘Purple Prince’
In this study, more than 1000 semi compatriot seedlings of Malus‘Purple Prince’ were planted in March 2014, and 81 semi compatriot family lines were randomly selected as test materials according to the distance of 30cm x 30cm lines. The phenotypic measurement and analysis (including L*, a*, b*, C*, H degrees and flower diameter) were carried out to be good for the half sib family of the Begonia. It provides a theoretical basis for the early selection of individual plants, and is prepared for the cultivation of new varieties of ornamental crabapple with independent intellectual property rights. The main results are as follows:
(1) the flowering time of 44 strains of Malus‘Purple Prince’is divided into the beginning period, the flowering period and the final flowering period. The flowering period of most of the samples is in April 7th and April 9th, the flowering period is in April 8th and April 12th, and the final flowering period is in April 14th and April 16th.
(2) Flowering time can be divided into three categories: short(less than 4 days, including 4 days), medium(5-6 days), and long(7 days or more, including 7 days). The longest flowering period is the most, and the middle flowering period is slightly less. Short flowering period is the least.
(3) There are differences in the phenological characteristics of flowers. The small flower diameter(below 34mm, including 34mm) is the same as the medium flower diameter(34-40mm), and the ratio is greater than the large flower diameter(40mm or more, including 40mm). The flower diameter is the least. The most shallow cup type, followed by the deep cup type, the least flat cup type. The middle peduncle(24-32mm) is the most, the long peduncle(32mm or more, including 32mm) is the second, and the short peduncle(24mm or less, including 24mm) is the least. The number of stamens is the highest in the middle(17.5 to 22.5), the number of stamens is less(less than 17.5, including 17.5), and the number of stamens is more(more than 22.5, including 22.5). minimum. The number of pistil is the highest(less than 3.8, with 3.8), the number of pistil is the second(3.8 to 4.6), and the number of pistil is the least(more than 4.6, with 4.6).
(4) Based on the flower color parameters of the flowering period, a cluster analysis tree diagram of the Malus‘Purple Prince’ sample was constructed. At a genetic distance of 16 hours, 44 samples were divided into white, pink, and red. The pink system can continue to be divided into pink and pink; The red system cancontinue to be divided into red and purple.
(5) The best strain of the white line is 5033, the best strain of the pink line is 5019, and the best strain of the red line is 5032.
Key words: Malus‘Purple Prince’;Phenotypic traits ;Flower color
目 录
前 言 1
1文献综述 1
1.1观赏海棠概述 1
1.1.1观赏海棠简介 1
1.1.2观赏海棠的生物学特性 1
1.1.3观赏海棠的起源与分布 2
1.2观赏海棠国内外发展现状 2
1.2.1观赏海棠育种研究 2
1.2.2观赏海棠表型多样性研究 3
1.3观赏海棠发展与展望 4
2 材料与方法 5
2.1 试验材料 5
2.2 试验方法 5
2.3数据处理 6
3 结果与分析 7
3.1花期物候观察 7
3.2花的生物特征比较 9
3.3花色参数比较 14
4.结论 21
致谢 22
参考文献 23
前 言
海棠是属于蔷薇(Rosaceae)科,苹果属(Malus Mill.)的一类植物,在我国有一定时间的栽培历史,且在我国大部分地区都有生长及栽种。后来逐步进行了筛选、定向培育、杂交出一部分特定用途的海棠,叫做观赏海棠(Malus spp.)。观赏海棠顾名思义,具有良好的观赏价值,将这一点利用于商业用途上,可以产生良好的经济价值。同时,在生态环境方面,由于其适应性强、可杂交范围范围广泛,所以可以带来良好的生态价值。由于立地条件的差异,以及天然和人工选择的条件下,观赏海棠出现了许多栽培变种,且多数的观赏海棠是通过偶然实生选育的 ,难以确认亲缘关系,需要按照育种目标来选择父本和母本优势性状或互补性状进行杂交,进行针对性强的杂交选育。