摘 要
沼泽小叶桦(Betula microphylla var. paludosa)是原产于我国新疆地区的濒危树种,具有很强的耐盐碱能力,在我国内陆和沿海地区盐碱地绿化中具有巨大的应用潜力。已有的研究认为沼泽小叶桦的扦插生根率很低。本文采用1年生的沼泽小叶桦苗干作为硬枝插穗,在100mg/L的NAA、ABT生根粉和GA(GGR生根粉与ABT生根粉等体积混合而成)3种激素处理10小时后,分别扦插到河沙、珍珠岩和混合基质[珍珠岩 泥炭土 蛭石(体积比为1:1:1)]中,研究不同处理对扦插生根率以及苗高、地径、生物量和根部等性状的影响。
Growth of Betula microphylla var. paludosa cuttings under different treatments
Betula microphylla var. paludosa is an endangered specie with strong resistance to the salt and alkali and native to Xinjiang province in China. It has huge application potential on greening at saline-alkali soil in inland and coastal areas of China. Previous studies have showed that the rooting rate of Betula microphylla var. paludosa was quite low. This paper studied the effects of different treatments on the rooting rate, biomass, diameter, height and root length of cutting, using 1a stem as the material of hardwood cutting, soaking 100mg/L of NAA, ABT and GA(50% of GGA 50% of ABT)for 10h, and using the media of sand, perliteand and mixed media(perlite:peat soil:vermiculite=1:1:1).
Results showed that:(1)Hardwood cutting had a higher rooting rate, with GA 100mg/L and planting in sand or perlite matrix. The rate of cutting rooting could reach 99%. The rooting rate with three different hormones were as GAAgt;ABTgt;NAA. The rooting rate with three different medias were as sandgt;perlitegt;mixed media.(2)The hormone had a little influence on the growth of diameter, height, biomass of cutting while the media had greater effect. In three kinds of medias, the mixed media was the best to the cuttings growth, followed by the perlite, and the sand was the worst.
Key words:Betula microphylla var. paludosacu; Cutting; Media; Hormones; Growth
目 录
前 言 1
1综 述 2
1.1沼泽小叶桦的基本概况 2
1.1.1沼泽小叶桦的起源与分布 2
1.2.1沼泽小叶桦的形态特征 2
1.3.1沼泽小叶桦的生态习性 2
1.2基质对扦插的影响 2
1.2.1基质对扦插生根的影响 2
1.2.2基质对苗木生长的影响 3
1.3激素对扦插的影响 4
1.3.1激素对扦插生根的影响 4
1.3.2激素对苗木生长的影响 5
2材料与方法 7
2.1材料 7
2.2试验地点及管理条件 7
2.3试验设计 7
2.4扦插生根率统计和苗木生长情况调查 7
2.4.1扦插生根率统计 7
2.4.2苗木生长情况调查 8
2.5数据分析 8
3结果与分析 9
3.1不同处理对沼泽小叶桦扦插生根率的影响 9
3.2不同处理对沼泽小叶桦扦插苗生长的影响 9
3.2.1对苗高和地径的影响 9
3.2.2对苗木生物量的影响 10
3.2.3对苗木根系的影响 11
4讨论与结论 12
4.1讨论 12
4.2结论 12
致 谢 14
参考文献 15
前 言
沼泽小叶桦(Betula microphylla var. paludosa)是桦树科(Betulaceae)桦木属(Betula)植物,属于小叶桦(Betula microphylla)的变种,原产于新疆阿勒泰地区,具有很强的耐寒和耐盐碱特征,是改良盐碱地的优良候选树种[1]。现如今土壤盐碱化是世界上普遍存在的现象,并且耕地的盐碱化程度正在不断地升高[2],沼泽小叶桦作为耐盐碱的植物,有望用于盐碱地绿化,以提高盐碱地的生态和经济价值。
1综 述