摘 要
Special economic bamboo species (ornamental bamboo) carding
Different bamboos have different characteristics such as stalk color, texture, and leaves, while economical bamboo species that are systematically combed with stalk-shaped stalk color changes (such as golden bamboo, gold-inlaid jade, and yellow stalked Wuxi chicken-bamboo, etc.) can be to a certain degree. Clarify the varieties and provide the landscape configuration and garden application of the biological characteristics and ornamental qualities of suitable bamboo species.
In this paper, 129 kinds of common ornamental bamboo species in China are systematically combed and analyzed according to bamboo, stalk, culm, leaf, and bamboo shoot characteristics. The characteristics of the classification criteria to produce a feature check chart, respectively, bamboo bamboo attitude bamboo cable inspection chart, view of bamboo stalk-shaped cable inspection chart, view of the color of the bamboo culm bamboo sowing chart, bamboo leaves of the concept of color inspection chart , See bamboo shoots sonar inspection map. Among them, there are 16 species of bamboos in view, 20 species of bamboo in view, 64 species of bamboo in view, 12 species of bamboo in view, and 17 species of bamboo in bamboo shoots.
This article focuses on the viewing characteristics, avoids obscure taxonomic terminology, and compiles fast, fool-proof 5 categories of 129 kinds of ornamental bamboo cable inspection maps to facilitate garden and landscape applications.
Key word:Ornamental bamboo; Economic bamboo species; Ornamental characteristi
目 录
1 综述 1
1.1 观赏竹的定义 1
1.2 观赏竹的主要美学特性 2
1.2.1 姿态美 2
1.2.2 色彩美 2
1.2.3 意境美 2
1.2.4 季相美 3
1.3 经典观赏竹竹园和竹景点 3
1.4 观赏竹的绿化作用 5
1.5 本文的研究目的及意义 6
2 材料与方法 7
2.1 实验材料 7
2.2 实验方法 7
2.2.1 姿态观赏竹系统梳理 7
2.2.2 秆形观赏竹系统梳理 9
2.2.3 秆色观赏竹系统梳理 10
2.2.4 叶色观赏竹系统梳理 15
2.2.5 笋态观赏竹系统梳理 16
3 结论与讨论 18
3.1 结论 18
3.2 讨论 18
致谢 19
参考文献 20
附录 22
1 综述
1.1 观赏竹的定义
英国的世界科学技术史大师李约瑟(Joseph Terence Montgomery Needham,1900-1995)说“东亚文明乃是竹子文明”[1]。竹文化是华夏文明的重要结晶之一,我国晋代戴凯之撰写的《竹谱》是世界上最早的竹类专著[2],历史上有著名的三大竹园(杜园、淇园、清化竹园)承载着竹林七贤[3]、竹溪六逸[4]等经典。
表1-1 观赏竹主要概念比较
作者 | 定义 |
冷寒冰 (2017) | 观赏竹作为具有观赏开发价值的竹种、变种和变型,枝叶茂盛,形态各异,色彩多变,按观赏部位可以划分为观秆色、观秆形、观叶色、观叶形、观笋等5种观赏类型[6]。 |
邹帆 (2017) | 观赏竹(Ornamental bamboo)属禾本科(Gramineae)竹亚科(Bambusoideae)中具可供人们观赏和较高经济价值的一大类植物,按基本形态可分为四种类型:在秆形上有异于一般竹类,有的是形态上的差异,有的是颜色上的差异,具有特殊观赏价值的观杆竹种;叶子带有黄色的或者白色的条纹,或是叶形大小发生变化的观叶竹种;以观赏笋色、笋形为主的观笋竹种;以其高大挺拔或矮小秀美的树姿作为观赏对象的观林相竹种[7]。 |
刘荣峰 (2013) | 具有极高观赏价值与发展前景的主要观赏竹种[8]。 |
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