摘 要
Spatio-temporal CO2 concentration at different heights of coniferous and broad-leaved mixed forests in Fengyang mountain, Zhejiang
In order to study spatio-temporal of CO2 concentration and flux at different heights of coniferous and broad-leaved mixed forests in Fengyang mountain,Zhejiang,we use the forest meteorological gradient observation system, eddy covariance system and CO2/H2O concentration profile system in Fengyang mountain flux tower to analyze the characteristics of microclimate, CO2 concentration and CO2 flux.Based on the icrometeorological observation data and flux observation datadata obtained from continuous observation of forest canopy in Fengyang mountain area in Zhejiang during 2017 years, the data processing method was given. The changes of canopy CO2 concentration and flux were analyzed according to the daily scale, seasonal scale and the characteristics of different scales were obtained.The results will further provide basic information for studying the spatial distribution pattern of CO2 concentration and flux in canopy. The results show that the CO2 concentration and vertical gradient of the coniferous and broad-leaved mixed forests in Fengyang mountain of Zhejiang have obvious daily and seasonal variations.(1)At a daily scale,the concentration of CO2 shows a "single peak" curve, the maximum CO2 concentration occurred at night or sunrise,while the minimum occurred in the afternoon at all levels.CO2 flux is negative at day time and positive at night. (2)On the seasonal scale,the CO2 concentration reached the maximum in summer and reached the minimum in winter.The photosynthesis of vegetation canopy changed the vertical pattern of CO2 concentration in the daytime of the growing season, making the CO2 concentration at the height of the canopy the lowest, and the vertical gradient was greatly weakened during the dormancy season. CO2 flux was negative in vegetation growing season, but positive in vegetation dormancy season.
Key words: CO2 concentration ; spatio-temporal variability; forest canopy; Fengyang mountai
目 录
1 前言 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2研究目的及意义 1
2 林冠层CO2浓度变化研究现状 2
2.1 CO2浓度时空变化的国内外研究进展 2
2.2 林冠层CO2浓度的日变化 3
2.3 林冠层CO2浓度的季节变化 3
2.4 林冠层CO2浓度的垂直梯度变化 4
2.5 CO2浓度时空变化的生态学意义 4
3 研究区域和研究方法 5
3.1 研究地概况 5
3.2 研究方法以及数据处理 5
3.2.1 仪器设置 5
3.2.2 观测内容 6
3.2.3 数据处理 6
4 结果与分析 7
4.1 气象要素变化特征 7
4.1.1 风速变化特征 7
4.1.2 相对湿度、饱和水汽压变化、水汽含量特征 7
4.1.3 气温变化特征 9
4.2 廓线变化特征 9
4.2.1 CO2浓度的日变化 9
4.2.2 CO2浓度的季节变化 10
4.3 CO2通量变化特征 11
4.3.1 CO2通量日变化 11
4.3.2 CO2通量季节变化 12
4.4 相关性分析 13
5 讨论 14
5.1 CO2浓度日变化 14
5.2 CO2浓度季节变化 14
5.3 CO2通量变化 15
6 结论 16
7 研究展望 17
致 谢 18
参考文献: 19
1 前言
- 研究背景