摘 要
(1)沼液富含氮素,总氮含量年平均值为1262.73 mg/L,且总氮主要以氨氮形式存在,氨氮含量达到1232.48 mg/L;硝态氮少量存在;沼液中总磷含量为51.20 mg/L,磷主要以可溶性磷存在。沼液中钾的含量分别为808.92 mg/L。
(3)施用沼液不同年限后的土壤中仍含有大量的氮、磷、等营养物质,经过0年、1年、3年、4年、5年、6年沼液处理的土壤中水解性氮的含量分别为12.13 mg/kg,、12.60 mg/kg、14.78 mg/kg、17.27 mg/kg、19.27 mg/kg、20.38 mg/kg;土壤中有效磷的含量分别为53.70 mg/kg、56.25 mg/kg、65.45 mg/kg、44.78 mg/kg、 80.40 mg/kg、113.25 mg/kg。通过数据显示土壤中的营养元素都随着施用沼液的年限的增长而增长。
Effects of Biogas Slurry Application age on Soil Physical and Chemical Properties
The pollution caused by animal husbandry and breeding industry waste hasbeen increasingly serious, which attaches more importance to the development ofbiogas slurry. The nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium elements in biogas slurry,avaluable fertilizer,directly influences the physical and chemistry features of soil.The aim of this paper is to compare the soil physical and chemical properties of soil before and after the application of biogas slurry, divided by several
groups based on the years of using, on the wheat field, and then calculate themost acceptable amount of biogas slurry to provide a scientific basis and
reference to the agricultural production.
The content of the paper comprises analyzing the physical and chemical
properties of soil; measuring the nutrient components in biogas slurry which include
hydrolyzed nitrogen, available phosphorus and pH , EC , and so on; studying the effect of biogas slurry application on amount of organic matter and nutrient contentin soil; analysis of the application of biogas slurry on soil fertility. The main results are as follows:
(1)Biogas slurry has abundant nitrogen and the average nitrogen content is1262.43 mg/L in it. The total nitrogen exists mainly in the form of ammonia nitrogen, the content of which reaches 1232.48 mg/L;minority of nitrogen existsas nitrate; the total phosphorus content in biogas slurry is 51.2 mg/L, and phosphorus is mainly in the form of soluble phosphorus;the content of potassium in biogas slurry is 808.92 mg/L.
(2)Utilizing biogas slurry in a long period can decrease the pH of soil, thus itcan enhance the quality of saline-alkali land;moreover.
(3)After the application of biogas slurry of different using years, the soil
contains a large amount of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, a variety of aminoacids and other substances. The experiment shows that: The soluble nitrogen contents of soil in different wheat fields under the various treatments of biogasslurry by 0 year, 1 year, 3 years, 4 years, 5 years, 6 years was 12.13 mg/kg, 12.6mg/kg,14.78 mg/kg,17.27 mg/kg, 19.23 mg/kg and 20.38 mg/kg respectively;the contents of available phosphorus in soil were 53.70 mg/kg, 56.25 mg/kg, 65.45 mg/kg, 44.78 mg/kg, 80.40 mg/kg, 113.25 mg/kg.The data show that thenutrient elements in the soil grow with the increase of application age of biogas slurry.
Key words: biogas slurry, wheat, soil fertility; application age
1绪论 1
1.1研究背景 1
1.2沼液的理化性质及对土壤的影响 2
1.2.1沼液施用对于土壤质量的影响 2
1.2.2沼液的理化性质 2
1.2.3国内外研究现状 3
1.2.4我国沼液施用所存在的问题 3
1.3研究的内容方法及目的意义 4
1.3.1研究目的 4
1.3.2研究的内容和方法 4
1.4研究的技术路线 5
2.材料与方法 6
2.1实验设计 6
2.1.1研究地概况 6
2.1.2实验采样及前期处理 6
2.2 测定方法 7
2.2.1 沼液指标的测定方法 7
2.2.2 土壤PH和EC的测定 7
2.2.3 水解性氮的测定方法 7
2.2.4 有效磷的测定方法 8
3结果与讨论 11
3.1 沼液性状分析 11
3.2沼液不同施用年限的土壤pH值 11
3.3沼液不同施用年限的土壤EC值 13
3.4沼液不同施用年限的土壤水解性氮含量 14
3.5沼液不同施用年限的土壤有效磷含量 16
4结论与展望 19
4.1结论 19
4.2展望 19
致 谢 20
参考文献 21