摘 要
Forest management plan establishment research - the east bridge forest farm
For scientific, reasonable and orderly management forest, give full play of the forest ecological, economic and social benefits, according to the current situation of forest resources and the social, economic and natural article 3 big, forest culture, forest management planning for a long time, as well as to the production order and management measures to the planning and design of using making forest management plan. The establishment of the forest management plan is of great significance to the forest management subject and the forestry department to manage the forest. Establishment and implementation of forest management plan is a statutory work, forest management should be based on the running scheme set up the annual plan, organize the production, forest management make the production for forestry; The ministry of forestry shall conduct management in accordance with the management plan and supervise and inspect the operation of the forest.
The main content of forest management plan includes: current situation and dynamic changes of forest resources, the conditions and factors influencing the forest management, forest management at present stage the main problems and analysis, the principle of making management policy and planning. This article mainly studied and analyzed the east good bridge status of forest resources and the dynamic change of forest resources area, species, tree species, forest land utilization structure, main advantage species (group) area, dynamic changes), analyzes the east bridge forest farm in favorable conditions for sustainable forest management and the restriction factors, pointed out the east good bridge main problems of forestry sustainable forest management. According to the type, principle and target of forest organization, the long-term direction of the forest management of dongshan bridge is put forward. These investigations are of reference to the establishment of forest management program in dongshan bridge forest.
Key words:Forest management plan、 Forest resources、 Forest sustainable management 、Business objectives
目 录
1 森林经营方案目的及意义 1
1.1研究目的 1
2自然与社会经济条件 3
2.1自然地理概况 3
2.1.1地理位置 3
2.1.2地形地貌 3
2.1.3地质土壤 3
2.1.4气候 3
2.1.5森林植被 3
2.2社会经济概况 4
2.2 社会经济概况 4
3森林资源现状与动态变化 5
3.1森林资源状况分析 5
3.1.1森林资源现状 6
3.1.2森林资源动态变化 14
4 森林可持续经营评价 19
4.1经营成效 19
4.2主要问题 19
4.3森林经营的有利条件 20
4.4森林经营的制约因素 21
5 经营方针与经营目标 22
5.1森林经营方针与原则 22
5.1.1经营方针 22
5.1.2经营原则 22
5.2经营期限 23
5.3经营目标 23
5.3.1经理期目标 23
5.3.2长远目标 25
5.4经营方向 25
6 森林经营方案编制的问题与思考…………………………………………………………………………….………………26
结论………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……27
参 考 文 献 30
1 森林经营方案目的及意义