摘 要
The study of the research of forest management plan of jianhu county’s forest farm
Due to the complexity and long-term nature of the forest management objects, the forest management units need to carry out detailed investigation and analysis of the forest resources after the development of appropriate business plan to rational, efficient and stable organization of production to achieve the objectives of forest management. The contents of the forest management plan are too large to analyze and study all the problems. In this paper, taking the forest farm of Jianhu County as an example, this paper studies the situation and dynamic changes of forest resources in Jianhu forest The paper puts forward the suggestions of forest management plan, and provides reference for the forest management plan of Jianhu forest farm, according to the organization management type, the principle and the goal, the paper puts forward the suggestions of forest management plan, But also to further improve the domestic forest resources for the management and management of forest resources, give full play to the forest economy, ecology, social benefits.
During the investigation and analysis of the forest resources in Jianhu County, it was found that although the total forest resources of Jianhu County increased continuously, especially in forestry land, the forest land was significantly reduced, and the per capita possession was less, Linbi major, near, mature forest is small, can be harvested less resources, stand structure is relatively simple, pure forest than the major. In view of its special status and changes in forest resources, it is proposed to affore the forest, tending, updating, non-wood resources management, forest health and tourism recreation. And provide a reference for the future development of forest management plan, so that Jianhu County Forest Farm to a reasonable, scientific and sustainable direction of continuous development, and better achieve the objectives of forest management.
keywords :forest management plan for sustainable;forest management;JianHu forest farm
目 录
1. 前言 1
1.1文献综述 1
1.2研究目的 2
2. 研究区自然与社会经济条件 3
2.1自然地理条件 3
2.1.1地理位置 3
2.1.2气候条件 3
2.1.3土地资源 4
2.2社会经济概况 4
2.3生态环境条件 4
2.4林业建设情况 4
3. 研究区资源状况 6
3.1森林资源状况 6
3.1.1各类林地面积 6
3.1.2各类林木蓄积 6
3.1.3乔木林面积、蓄积 6
3.1.4天然林资源 6
3.1.5人工林资源 6
3.1.6防护林资源 6
3.1.7特殊用途林资源 7
3.1.8用材林资源 7
3.1.9经济林资源 7
3.1.10竹林资源 7
3.1.11灌木林资源 7
3.2森林资源质量 7
3.2.1单位面积蓄积量 7
3.2.2针阔叶林面积结构 8
3.2.3森林龄组结构 8
3.3森林资源生态状况 8
3.3.1森林结构 8
3.3.2森林健康 8
3.3.3森林自然度 8
3.3.4森林功能 8
3.3.5资源多样性 9
4. 森林资源动态分析 10
4.1各类林地面积动态与分析 10
4.2各类林木蓄积动态与分析 11
4.3林种结构对比与分析 12
4.4龄组结构对比与分析 12
4.5树种结构变化与分析 13
4.6森林覆盖率动态与分析 14
5. 森林经营规划建议 15
5.1造林更新 15
5.2森林抚育 15
5.2.1幼林抚育 15
5.2.2成林抚育 16
5.3人工促进天然更新 16
5.4非木质资源经营与森林游憩规划 17
5.4.1非木质资源经营 17
5.4.2森林游憩规划 17
5.5森林健康 17
5.5.1护林防火 17
5.5.3林业有害生物防控 18
6. 研究结论与讨论 19
6.1研究结论 19
6.2讨论与展望 20
致谢 21
参 考 文 献 22
1. 前言