摘 要
Studies on Adsorption of Biochar to Different Forms of Nitrogen
Biochar is a kind of highly aromatic by biological organic matter in the anaerobic environment by hypoxia or pyrolysis generated refractory solid material. In recent years, more and more scholars have begun to use biochar to study the adsorption ability of different forms of nitrogen. Through the research, it is clear that the adsorption and retention of nitrogen by biochar in soil can not only improve the soil environment, but also improve the quality of the environment. In this study, biochar was prepared from wheat as the raw material, and the adsorption ability of biochar to different forms of nitrogen was studied in order to provide the theoretical basis for the later biological carbon farming. The main conclusions are as follows:
(1) in wheat for biochar prepared under different temperature conditions, the carbon content of three kinds of biochar are higher, aromaticity increased with the pyrolysis temperature increased; biochar yield decreases with increasing preparation temperature, specific surface area and rise with increasing preparation temperature increased;With an increase in heating temperature , mineralization increased, making biochar with high ash content; all kinds of biochar has higher pH value, and pH with the increase of pyrolysis temperature increasing; through electron microscopy showed that three kinds of biochar are solid phase carbonization, hollow pipe showed a honeycomb structure.
(2) wheat biochar added to (NH4)2SO4 and KNO3 showed a relatively stable adsorption capacity of nitrate nitrogen, in which the total adsorption capacity of wheat biochar added to KNO3 was very strong.
(3) according to the amount of biochar adde, the adsorption capacity of wheat biochar to ammonia nitrogen showed a decreasing trend.
Keywords: biochar; nitrogen; adsorption
目 录
1 引言 1
1.1 生物炭的制备及其主要特征 1
1.1.1 生物炭的制备方法 1
1.1.2 生物炭的主要特征 2
1.2 生物炭吸附作用的理论依据 3
1.2.1 生物炭的孔隙结构 3
1.2.2 生物炭的极性 3
1.2.3 生物炭的表面官能团 4
1.2.4 生物炭的其它性质 4
1.3 生物炭在控制氮素流失中所起作用 4
1.4 国内外关于生物炭对氮素吸附的研究进展 6
1.5 本研究的意义 8
2 生物炭的制备及其性状表征 9
2.1 材料与方法 9
2.1.1 供试材料 9
2.1.2 生物炭的制备 9
2.1.3 生物炭主要性状表征 9
2.2 结果与讨论 10
2.2.1 生物炭的元素分析 10
2.2.2 生物炭的pH分析 10
2.2.3 生物炭的比表面积和表面结构分析 11
2.2.4 生物炭的产率分析 11
2.2.5 生物炭的灰分分析 12
2.2.6 生物炭的电子扫描电镜(SEM)分析 12
3 生物炭对不同形态氮素的吸附能力分析 14
3.1 材料与方法 14
3.1.1 供试材料 14
3.1.2 实验方法 14
3.2 结果与讨论 14
3.2.1 小麦生物炭对硝态氮的吸附影响 14
3.2.2 小麦生物炭对氨态氮吸附的影响 16
3.3 小结 16
4 主要研究结论与展望 17
4.1 主要研究结论 17
4.1.1 生物炭制备工艺研究 17
4.1.2 小麦生物炭对硝态氮和氨态氮的吸附影响 17
4.2 研究展望 17
致 谢 18
参考文献 19
1 引言
生物炭多为颗粒细致、质地较轻的黑色蓬松状固态物质,主要组成元素为碳、氢、氧、氮等,含碳量多在 70% 以上。被学术界誉为“黑色黄金”的生物炭可作为高品质能源、土壤改良剂,也可作为还原剂、肥料缓释载体及二氧化碳封存剂等,已经广泛应用于改善土壤环境、提高粮食产量、消减环境风险、重金属吸附、水源净化和固碳减排等,可在一定程度上为气候变化、环境污染和土壤功能退化等问题提供解决方案。