摘 要
本研究以盆栽海棠‘长寿冠’(Chaenomeles speciosa (Sweet) Nakai ‘Changshouguan’) 为试验材料,分别在花芽分化期(5、6月份)采用烯效唑处理,通过测定营养物质、抗氧化酶活性、内源激素变化、开花物候指标来研究烯效唑在开花时间、成花数量、开花品质等方面的影响,以期为海棠花期调控、提高开花品质提供技术和理论依据。主要结论如下:
关键词:长寿冠 烯效唑 花芽分化 成花
The Effect of uniconazole on the Flowering of Chaenomeles speciosa (Sweet) Nakai 'Changshouguan'
In this study,we processed the samples of Chaenomeles speciosa (Sweet) Nakai 'Changshouguan' respectively.The samples ,on which the flower bud differentiated in May and June,were treated by uniconazole.
The effects of uniconazole on flowering time, flowering number and flowering quality were studied by measuring nutrient substance , the activity of antioxidant system, the change of endogenous hormones and flowering phenology, in order to provide technology and theoretical basis for flowering regulation and improving the quality of flowering.As follows are the main conclusions:
1.From the flowering time, flowering, flowering consistency and changes in endogenous hormones during flower bud differentiation,etc, in the three concentrations in this experiment, low concentration of uniconazole is the most suitable;
2.In terms of flowering time and flowering.Compared with the control,in the flower bud differentiation period,after processed by the optimal concentration of uniconazole(50mg/L),the flowering time increased,the flowering period was 2 days ahead,but full-bloom stage was shortened;
3.In terms of color, the results of color ,which measured by color difference meter,showed that uniconazole treatment had no obvious influences on the color difference of the inner and outer flower petal;
4.In the flower bud differentiation period,the results of the contents of endogenous hormones in leaves showed that 50mg / L uniconazole treatment made the ratio of ZR / IAA, ZR / GAs, ABA / GAs and ABA / IAA increase and made the contents of IAA,GA decrease and made the contents of ABA increase,which benifited to speed up the process of flower bud differentiation and promote flowering ahead.
5.The results of endogenous hormones in flowering stage showed that the IAA, GAs, IAA / ABA, GAs / ABA, (IAA GAs ZR) / ABA did not delay the decline of petals after 50mg / L uniconazole treatment;
6.Compared with the control,by the uniconazole, the changes of soluble sugar and soluble protein in the leaves of flower buds tend to stabilized .Uniconazole treatment to protein content peak time ahead.Compared with the control uniconazole treatment the content of soluble sugar was similar to that of control, and the content of soluble protein was lower than that of control. The content of soluble protein was higher than that of control;
7.Antioxidant enzyme activity test showed:Compared with the control,The activity of POD and SOD was increased and the time of peak appeared earlier.This was consistent with the results of uniconazole treatment to promote the process of bud differentiation of Begonia which is conducive to the extension of flowering time.
Key words: Chaenomeles speciosa (Sweet) Nakai ‘Changshouguan’; Uniconazole; Flower Bud Differentiation; Flowering
目 录