摘 要
AOX2基因为含铁蛋白超基因家族成员,将LtAOX2_Like基因的氨基酸序列同其他物种进行同源性分析发现,LtAOX2_Like与胡萝卜(Daucus carota)中的AOX2基因相似性最高。不同物种的AOX2存在部分相同的功能位点,这些基因具有AOX2基因的明显特征。所有序列都具有几个高度保守的铁离子结合区域(EEXH、FXHR、EEE-Y);2个丝氨酸残基;6个组氨酸残基,这些位点能够特异性的结合铁离子构成反应活性中心在电子传递链末端催化氧化还原反应,这可能与植物抗逆性的功能密切相关。
Cloning and Bioinformatic Analysis of Alternative Oxidase 2 Gene from Liriodendron tulipifera
Alternative oxidase (AOX) is a terminal oxidase in plant mitochondria which is widely existing in higher plants. It has been shown that AOX plays an important role in plant development and adaptation to the stress environment. Therefore, it is significant to clone and analyze its function of AOX gene in Liriodendron. In this research, we obtained the full-length sequence of AOX2 gene through RT-PCR and RACE and predicted its possible functions by bioinformatic approach. Furthermore, we predicted the protein encoded by the open reading frame and compared with other species in protein homology. Meanwhile, we analyzed its physical-chemical properties and secondary structure. The main results are as follows:
By searching the RNA-seq transcription database, we obtained the AOX transcripts sequence, and designed primers. The full length of cDNA of oxidase gene (LtAOX2_Like) of Liriodendron tulipifera is 1435bp with an open reading frame of 1044 bp. The ORF encoded 347 amino acids.
The homology analysis with other species shown that LtAOX2_Like has highest similarity in amino acid sequence with carrot (Daucus carota). There are same functional sites in different species and these genes have distinct characteristics of AOX2 gene. All sequences have several completely conserved iron-binding region (EEXH, FXHR, EEE-Y); two serine residue; six histidine residues. These sites are ecapable of binding iron ions specifically ,then constitute active centers, which catalytic redox reaction in the electron transport chain terminal. They may be closely related to the AOX gene function in the plant resistance to stresses.
Key words: Liriodendron tulipifera, AOX2 gene, gene clone, functional analysis
目 录
1 文献综述 - 1 -
1.1交替氧化酶 - 2 -
1.1.1交替氧化酶及其编码基因的结构 - 2 -
1.1.2交替氧化酶的功能 - 2 -
1.1.3交替氧化酶基因 - 3 -
1.1.4 AOX基因的表达 - 4 -
1.1.5 AOX基因的转基因应用 - 4 -
1.2北美鹅掌楸的形态特征 - 5 -
1.2.1北美鹅掌楸的地理分布及其生态环境 - 5 -
1.2.2北美鹅掌楸的研究进展 - 5 -
1.3研究目的及意义 - 6 -
2 材料与方法 - 7 -
2.1实验材料 - 7 -
2.1.1植物材料 - 7 -
2.1.2菌株和载体 - 7 -
2.1.3实验试剂 - 7 -
2.1.4培养基及主要试剂的配制 - 7 -
2.1.5仪器设备及耗材 - 8 -
2.1.6引物合成与测序 - 8 -
2.2实验方法 - 8 -
2.2.1 RNA的提取与纯化 - 8 -
2.2.2 RNA检测 - 9 -
2.2.3北美鹅掌楸AOX2基因中间片段PCR扩增 - 9 -
2.2.4北美鹅掌楸AOX2基因RACE扩增 - 10 -
2.2.5北美鹅掌楸AOX2基因全长cDNA序列的PCR扩增 - 14 -
2.2.6鹅掌楸AOX2基因的生物信息学分析 - 15 -
3 结果与分析 - 16 -
3.1总RNA提取 - 16 -
3.2北美鹅掌楸AOX2基因全长cDNA获得及序列分析 - 16 -
3.3北美鹅掌楸AOX2基因编码蛋白分析 - 17 -
3.3.1北美鹅掌楸AOX2基因编码蛋白理化性质分析 - 17 -
3.3.2北美鹅掌楸AOX2基因编码蛋白疏水性分析 - 18 -
3.3.3北美鹅掌楸AOX2基因编码蛋白跨膜域分析 - 19 -
3.3.4北美鹅掌楸AOX2基因编码蛋白二级结构分析 - 19 -
3.3.5北美鹅掌楸AOX2基因编码蛋白亚细胞定位预测 - 20 -
3.3.6北美鹅掌楸AOX2基因的同源性分析 - 20 -
3.3.7北美鹅掌楸AOX2基因编码蛋白系统进化 - 22 -
致谢 - 24 -
参考文献 - 25 -
1 文献综述
高等植物线粒体有2条重要的电子传递链,细胞色素呼吸途径和抗氰呼吸途径。细胞色素呼吸途径产生的能量同ATP的合成偶联,而抗氰呼吸途径不同ATP合成相偶联,电子从泛琨库直接传递给分子氧形成水,能量以热能形式散失[1-2](如图1-1)。植物在正常情况下以细胞色素呼吸途径为主,但当植物受到逆境胁迫时抗氰呼吸增强。1957年Yocum等人就推测植物线粒体中存在一种抗氰的交替氧化酶,但其性质一直难以确定。到1986年Bonner等人首次从斑叶阿若母(Arum maculatum)线粒体中将AOX溶解下来。交替氧化酶(AOX)是抗氰呼吸途径的末端氧化酶,广泛存在于高等植物中,研究表明其在植物各个生长发育过程中以及植物对环境的适应过程中起到重要作用,这与AOX自身结构密切相关。
图1-1线粒体上的电子传递链(Juszczuk I M , 2003)[3]