摘 要
Preliminary study on the relationship between location effect of ginkgo biloba scion and plant endogenous hormones
In order to improve the crown type and quality of ginkgo biloba, we have made the comparison on the different ages and locations of the scion to study on the effects of the content and distribution of plant endogenous hormones on the growth angle of the scion and the effects of different scions on the physiological indexes of the grafted seedlings. The results show that (1) The angle of new shoots from base scion grafted seedlings was the smallest and significantly smaller than that from other parts, but there was no significant difference in the angle of scion among different tree ages. The angle was the smallest for 5 years, followed by 10 and 20 years. At the same time, the base and 5a grafted seedlings were slightly longer and the base diameter was the largest; (2) GA3 content at the top of new shoots from base grafted seedlings was significantly higher than that from other parts, while ABA, IAA and ZR content were lower than that from other parts. At the same time, GA3 content in shoots of grafted seedlings in 5A was higher than that in 10a and 20a, while ABA, IAA and ZR content were the highest in 20A. (3) There were significant differences in ABA, GA3 and IAA contents between the upper and lower parts of the base scion grafted seedlings and other parts, and there were no significant differences between the other parts. There were only significant differences between the upper and lower parts of the base between GA3, IAA and ZR contents. There were significant differences in ABA and GA3 contents between upper and lower shoots of 5A scion grafted seedlings, but there was no significant difference in hormone contents between upper and lower shoots of 10a and 20A scion grafted seedlings. (4) The angle of new shoots of scion grafted seedlings at different parts and ages had a high negative correlation with slightly longer and basal diameter, while slightly longer and basal diameter had a positive correlation. The angle of shoots at different positions was negatively correlated with GA3 content at the tip and IAA difference at the top and bottom, and negatively correlated with ZR difference. There was also a significant negative correlation between the shoot angle of different tree ages and the difference of IAA between upper and lower trees. The difference of IAA between upper and lower parts of shoots and basal diameter of shoots at different parts and ages was positively correlated. Summary: The greater the difference of GA3 and IAA content between the upper and lower sides of shoots, the smaller the branching angle. The contents of hormones in branches affect the length and basal diameter of branches. The nearer to the base and the younger the grafted scions were, the more upright they were and the stronger the branches were.
Key words:ginkgo;location effect ;plant endogenous hormones;grafting
目 录
1 引言 2
2 试验地概况 5
3 材料与方法 6
3.1 实验材料与处理 6
3.2 测量指标与方法 6
3.2.1 新梢生长指标 6
3.2.2 內源激素含量 6
3.3 数据分析 6
4 结果与分析 7
4.1 不同部位穗条的新梢生长指标之间的差异 7
4.2 不同树龄穗条的新梢生长指标之间的差异 8
4.3 不同部位接穗新梢顶端4种內源激素含量比较 8