摘 要
银杏(学名:Ginkgo biloba L.)又名白果树,是中生代我国特有的孑遗树种,又被称为“活化石”, 现存的银杏树大多是人工栽培,主要大量栽培于中国、法国和美国南卡罗莱纳州。其中银杏叶是一类蕴藏量相当大的资源,主要包括黄酮类、萜类、生物碱、多糖类、酚类、氨基酸、微量元素等有多种有效成分,具有广阔的开发前景。银杏叶中的生理代谢产物主要包括合成糖类,氨基酸类,普通的脂肪酸类,核酸类以及由它们形成的聚合物(多糖类、蛋白质类、RNA、DNA等等),因其较高的营养和药学价值被广泛利用。
Effects of Different Habitats and Genotypes on Physiological Metabolism of Ginkgo biloba Leaves
Ginkgo biloba L. is a unique relic tree species of Mesozoic in China, also known as "living fossil". Most of the existing ginkgo trees are cultivated artificially, mainly in China, France and South Carolina. Ginkgo biloba leaves are a kind of resources with considerable reserves, including flavonoids, terpenoids, alkaloids, polysaccharides, phenols, amino acids, trace elements and other active ingredients, which have broad prospects for development. Physiological metabolites in Ginkgo biloba leaves mainly include synthetic carbohydrates, amino acids, common fatty acids, nucleic acids and polymers formed by them (polysaccharides, proteins, RNA, DNA, etc.), which are widely used for their high nutritional and pharmaceutical value.
In this study, the contents of physiological metabolites in Ginkgo biloba leaves from different origins and genotypes were detected, and the differences and correlations among the contents of protein, soluble sugar, polypentenol and lipid in Ginkgo biloba leaves were analyzed and compared. The results showed that the contents of physiological metabolites of Ginkgo biloba leaves in different growing environments were significantly different (P lt; 0.05). Among the seven experimental plots, the content of protein in the leaves of Ginkgo biloba in Tangshan area was the highest, the content of soluble sugar in the leaves of Ginkgo biloba in Kaijiang area was relatively the highest, and the content of polypentenol in the leaves of Ginkgo biloba in Kaijiang area was higher than that in other areas, and in Yangxian area. Lipid content was the highest. The results also showed that the contents of metabolites in Ginkgo biloba leaves with different genetic backgrounds were significantly different (P lt; 0.05), and the contents of primary metabolites in male leaves were higher than those in female and rootstock.
The purpose of this experiment is to explore the effects of different producing areas on the content of physiological metabolites in Ginkgo biloba leaves and the differences of metabolites in different genotypes of Ginkgo biloba leaves, so as to find suitable planting areas for Ginkgo biloba leaves, increase the yield of medicinal Ginkgo biloba leaves and improve the quality of Ginkgo biloba leaves, and find the most suitable planting areas for Ginkgo biloba leaves, which can be used for reference for the industrial use of medicinal components in Ginkgo biloba leaves. Righteousness.
Key words: Ginkgo biloba leaves; physiological metabolism; lipid; protein; soluble sugar
目 录
1.1银杏叶中初生代谢物 ………………………………………………………………1
1.2.1 银杏叶多糖药用价值的研究进展………………………………………1
1.2.2 银杏叶蛋白质药用价值的研究进展………………………………………2
1.2.3 银杏叶聚戊烯醇药用价值的研究进展…………………………………………2
2.1.1 供试接穗………………………………………………………………………5
2.1.2 供试砧木………………………………………………………………………5
2.1.3 试验地分布………………………………………………………………………5
2.1.4 试剂和材料………………………………………………………………………6
2.2 采样方法…………………………………………………………………………………6
2.3 可溶性糖的测定方法………………………………………………………………6
2.3.1 蒽酮法………………………………………………………………………6
2.3.2 葡萄糖标准曲线的绘制…………………………………………………………7
2.4 可溶性蛋白的测定方法………………………………………………………………7
2.4.1 考马斯亮蓝G-250法……………………………………………………………7
2.4.2 牛血清蛋白标准曲线的绘制……………………………………………………7