摘 要
樟疫霉(Phytophthora cinnamomi)属于卵菌门,是世界上广泛分布的危害花卉、林木及农作物的土传病原菌之一,可侵染3000多种植物,能引起植物的根腐和枝头枯萎,并造成根部腐烂以及枝干溃疡等病害。樟疫霉在美洲、欧洲、东亚、南亚和大洋洲等地区均有大范围的分布,严重威胁自然生态系统,是林木病害防治的重要病原菌之一。
PreLiminary Function Study of Phytophthora cinnamomi Effector Avh137 and Avh145
PLasmodium beLongs to the species oomycota, and it is one of the most wideLy distributed soiL-borne pathogens that endanger fLowers, forests, and crops. It infects more than 3,000 kinds of pLants and can cause root rot and branches of pLants to wither and cause root rot. And branches and other diseases. Phytophthora cinnamomi has a wide range of distribution in the Americas, Europe, East Asia, South Asia, and Oceania. It poses a serious threat to the naturaL ecosystem and is one of the important pathogens of forest disease prevention and controL.
In this study, bioinformatics was used to search homologous databases of Phytophthora capsici based on a large number of effector sequences reported in other species, and bioinformatic functions were predicted. This allowed 250 RxLR candidates to be mined. Effector genes. In this experiment, the primary functional analysis of the biological functions of the RxLR effectors Avh137 and Avh145 in P. capsici was performed using the Agrobacterium-mediated PVX viral expression system. Transient expression of these two P. capsici RxLR family effectors on Nicotiana benthamiana and verification of whether they have inhibitory effects on plant cell death caused by apoptotic precursor protein bax or elicitor INF1 or can stimulate plant immune response. The results showed that the size of the RXLR effector Avh137 and Avh145 gene of P. capsici was 543bp and 1232bp, respectively. E. coli was successfully sequenced and successfully sequenced. The size was 582bp and 1320bp respectively. PV::Avh137-SP and PVX were constructed: Avh145-SP vector, but after successful transformation of Agrobacterium, tobacco injection results show that the Phytophthora graminis Avh137、Avh145 effector can not inhibit the plant's defense response, it can not activate the host defense response. Through the study of effectors Avh137 and Avh145, it is of great significance to understand the interaction mechanism between host and Phytophthora capsici at the molecular level.
Key words:RxLR;effector;Phytophthora cinnamomi;Oomycetes
1引言 1
1.1 樟疫霉及其生活史 1
1.2 卵菌效应子的分类 2
1.2.1 质外体效应子(apoplastic effectors) 2
1.2.2 细胞质效应子(cytopLasmic effectors) 3
1.3 卵菌RxLR效应子 4
1.3.1 RxLR效应子的研究进展 4
1.3.2 RXLR效应子的作用机制 4
1.3.3 RXLR效应子的功能意义 5
1.4 植物的防御反应—病原菌 5
1.4.1 PAMPs 触发的植物免疫反应(PAMPs- triggered immunity,PTI) 6
1.4.2 效应子触发的植物免疫反应(Effector- triggered immunity,ETI) 6
1.5樟疫霉效应子研究展望 7
2 研究材料与方法 8
2.1 序列资源 8
2.2 供试烟草及供试菌株的培养 8
2.4 实验试剂 9
2.5 实验仪器设备 9
2.6 基因组DNA的提取 9
2.7 樟疫霉RxLR效应子基因的克隆 10
2.8 大肠杆菌DH5α的质粒构建及转化 10
2.8.1 马铃薯X病毒载体的酶切纯化: 10
2.8.2 Infusion技术构建载体 11
2.8.3 转化 12
2.8.4 转化子验证 12
2.9 农杆菌GV3101感受态细胞的制备和转化方法 12
2.9.1 农杆菌感受态细胞的制备 12
2.9.2 农杆菌感受态细胞的转化 13
2.10 效应子筛选 13
3结果与分析 15
3.1 樟疫霉效应子的信号肽预测 15
3.2 效应子二级结构的预测 16
3.3 基因克隆及载体酶切验证 17
3.4 重组载体的构建菌落平板、转化子验证 17
3.4.1 PCR扩增产物测序结果 18
3.5 农杆菌转化 19
3.6 Avh137注射烟草结果观察 20
4 结论与讨论 22
致 谢 24
参考文献: 25
1.1 樟疫霉及其生活史
樟疫霉(Phytophthora cinnamomi)属于卵菌门(Oomycota)、卵菌纲(Oomycetes)、霜霉目(Peronosporales)、腐霉科(Pythiaceae)、疫霉属(Phytophthora)。樟疫霉包括A1 和A2 两种交配型,其生活史主要包括菌丝和游动孢子形成的无性阶段及卵孢子和孢囊孢子等有性阶段。在温暖潮湿的环境条件下,气生菌丝可以形成孢子囊,释放大量单核双鞭毛游动孢子,游动孢子依靠地表径流和地下水游动到适合宿主后,可以萌发侵入植物韧皮部,再次形成气生菌丝。气生菌丝遇到不利生长条件时,就会形成大量厚垣孢子,当条件再次适合后则可以再次形成气生菌丝,也可以萌发形成孢子囊,继续进行后续侵染过程(图1-1)。据报道,厚垣孢子在湿润的土壤中可存活长达6 年之久,而且樟疫霉可以侵染失去生命力的有机质。此外,气生菌丝可以经A1 和A2 交配型融合完成有性生殖;也可以形成卵孢子,通过萌发产生孢子囊,继而完成后续生活史[1]。
樟疫霉存在于土壤中,带菌土壤是主要侵染源。病菌可以随着人们的耕作活动,或者通过地面流水携带病菌传播。植物伤口是病菌侵染的主要途径。樟疫霉的存在数量与密度随着季节有明显变化,这与土壤温度有密切的关系。夏、秋时,土温适宜,密度最高。冬季时,土温低于10℃,密度最低,随着土温上升其密度水平亦上升。人工培养的菌丝体和病上中的厚垣抱子,在0℃时都失去活力。在树冠郁闭、土温低的立地条件下。 即使土壤湿度适宜,病菌发育不良,但在空旷地病菌仍能活。土壤酸碱度对病菌有影响。碱性和中性土壤,病菌生长适宜。当PH值4以下菌丝体生长不长,孢子囊和游动抱子很少产生。PH值3以下完全失去活力[2]。