
 2021-04-19 11:04

摘 要


  1. 从苗高、地径、茎及根的鲜重与干重、根长、根系面积、根系体积方面研究不同容器对纳塔栎容器苗形态指标的影响。在苗高、地径、根部干重、茎鲜重与干重方面,20*30cm容器指标均最低;在根系面积体积方面30*30cm容器指标最低,在根部鲜重方面;20*20cm容器指标最低。在所有形态指标中,无纺布容器均表现最好,并与其它容器差异显著。
  2. 从茎中可溶性蛋白质,可溶性糖,淀粉含量,碳,氮,磷和钾含量方面研究不同容器对纳塔栎容器苗生理指标的影响。在可溶性蛋白含量方面,




Effects of Different Container on the Quality of nuttalii Container Seedlings


In this paper, we study effects of Different Container on the Quality of nuttalii Container Seedlings, this systematic study was conducted on the morphological and physiological indicators. The main results are as follows:

(1) We studied the effects of different container on the morphological indexes of container seedlings from the aspects of seedling height, ground diameter, fresh and dry weight of stems and roots, root length, root area and root volume. In terms of seedling height, ground diameter, root dry weight, stem fresh weight and dry weight, the 20*30cm container was the lowest. In terms of root area volume index, the 30*30cm container is the lowest, and in terms of fresh weight index of root, 20*20cm container is the lowest.Among all the morphological indicators, non-woven container performs best and has a significant difference from other containers.

(2) We studied the effects of different container on the physiological indexes of container seedlings from the aspects of soluble protein, soluble sugar, starch content, carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium content in the stem . In terms of soluble protein content, the soluble protein content of 20*30cm container was the highest, while that of 30*30cm container was the lowest. In terms of soluble sugar content, 20*20cm container has the highest soluble sugar content, while 20*30cm container has the lowest soluble sugar content. In terms of starch content, 20*20cm container has the highest starch content and 30*30cm container has the lowest. In terms of carbon content, 30*30cm container has the highest carbon content and 20*20cm container has the lowest carbon content. In terms of nitrogen content, 20*30cm container has the highest nitrogen content and 30*30cm container has the lowest nitrogen content. In terms of phosphorus content, 20*20cm container has the highest phosphorus content, while 30*30cm container has the lowest phosphorus content. In terms of potassium content, the 20*30cm container has the highest potassium content and the non-woven container has the lowest content. The difference of physiological index between different container is smaller than that of morphological index.

Based on the comprehensive analysis of morphological and physiological indicators, this study concluded that the non-woven container (20*20cm) was the most suitable for container cultivation of nuttalii.

Key words: Different container ; Seedling quality; Morphological index; Physiological index

目 录

前 言 1

1 文献综述 2

1.1 容器育苗相关概念 2

1.2 容器育苗发展概况 2

1.2.1 国外发展概况 2

1.2.2 国内发展概况 3

1.3 影响容器育苗的因素 4

1.3.1 基质对容器育苗的影响 4

1.3.2 容器规格对容器育苗的影响 5

1.3.3 容器类型对容器育苗的影响 6

1.3.4 缓释肥量对容器育苗影响 7

1.3.5 基质配比,容器,缓释肥量综合效应 7

1.4 容器育苗控根 8

1.4.1 物理控根 8

1.4.2 化学控根 8

1.4.3 空气控根 9

1.5 容器育苗质量评价 9

2 材料与方法 11

2.1 实验地概况 11

2.2 实验材料 11

2.3 实验设计 11

2.4 测定指标及方法 12

2.4.1 苗木形态指标 12

2.4.2 苗木生理指标 12

2.5 数据分析 14

3 结果与分析 15

3.1 不同容器对纳塔栎容器苗形态指标的影响 15

3.1.1 不同容器对苗高的影响 15

3.1.2 不同容器对地径的影响 15

3.1.3 不同容器对根的长度的影响 16

3.1.4 不同容器对根的面积的影响 16

3.1.5 不同容器对根的体积的影响 16

3.1.6 不同容器对根部鲜重的影响 17

3.1.7 不同容器对根部干重的影响 17

3.1.8 不同容器对茎的鲜重的影响 18

3.1.9 不同容器对茎的干重的影响 18

3.2不同容器对纳塔栎容器苗生理指标的影响 18

3.2.1 不同容器对茎中可溶性蛋白质含量的影响 18

3.2.2 不同容器对茎中可溶性糖含量的影响 19

3.2.3 不同容器对茎中淀粉含量的影响 19

3.2.4 不同容器对茎中碳含量的影响 19

3.2.5 不同容器对茎中氮含量的影响 20

3.2.6 不同容器对茎中磷含量的影响 20

3.2.7 不同容器对茎中钾含量的影响 21

4 讨论 22

4.1不同容器对容器苗质量的影响 22

4.2本次试验中存在的问题 22

5 结论 23

参考文献 24

前 言

娜塔栎为壳斗科栎属落叶乔木,原产于美国东部,树体高大,树形优美,树高可达20m,最高可达30m,冠幅 18~22m。娜塔栎属全日照乔木树种,充足的光照可使其秋季 叶色更加鲜艳,叶片边缘呈深裂锯齿状,秋季变色和优美的叶形是其最大优点。嫩枝呈绿色或红棕色,第2年变为灰色。叶片在秋季变红,叶色逐渐变为粉红色 、亮红色或褐色 ,成熟后叶片一般有7~11个裂片 。果实为坚果,棕色。生长速度中等,喜砂壤土或排水良好的微酸性土壤,耐环境污染,对贫瘠、干旱、偏酸性或碱性土壤适应能力强。其耐水湿性表现优秀,尤其是大苗木的耐水湿特性极佳。在我 国随着城乡一体化建设步伐的加快和营造 绿化美化家园工程建设的推进,娜塔栎将被广泛应用于城市绿化中(种高军等人,2015)。容器育苗对于纳塔栎的研究与推广应用具有巨大价值。


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