摘 要
Soil and Water Conservation Plan of Yicheng Street Real Estate Project in Yixing
This study is based on the natural conditions, socio-economic conditions, soil and water loss situation and existing problems in Yixing Yicheng Street Real Estate Research Area, as well as the background requirements of the current construction of ecological civilization and production and construction research, formulation of soil and water conservation program norms, formulation of soil and water conservation program. This research takes Yicheng Street in Yixing as the object. Field investigation, document search and scheme comparison are used for research. In this paper, the author compiled the soil and water conservation scheme from the following aspects: the division of responsibility scope of soil and water loss control, the prediction results of soil and water loss, the overall layout of soil and water loss control zones and measures, the monitoring of soil and water conservation, the estimation of investment in soil and water conservation and the benefit analysis, and drawn lessons from similar soil and water conservation schemes. Drainage systems have been built, grass bricks have been planted in parking lots, temporary car wash tanks, sand sinks and drainage ditches have been established in landscape green areas, grass seeds have been sown in temporary soil dump areas, drainage ditches have been excavated, temporary sand sinks have been built and blocked by steel plates. In this study, a total of five monitoring sites were set up, namely: 1 building area, 1 road, square and pipeline engineering area, 1 landscape green area, 1 temporary soil dump area, 1 construction production and living facilities area. After the implementation of the scheme, better benefits of soil and water conservation, ecological and social benefits can be obtained, and man-made soil erosion caused by engineering construction can also be well prevented and cured. After the implementation of soil and water conservation measures, the disturbed land harnessing rate is 96%, the total soil and water loss harnessing degree was 99.5%, the soil and water loss control ratio was 1.0, the slag retention rate was 97%, the vegetation recovery rate was 99.8%, and the forest and grass coverage rate was 35%.
Key words: Yi xing Yi cheng; Program; Soil and Water Conservation; Monitoring
目 录
1 绪论 - 1 -
1.1项目的目的与意义 - 1 -
1.2国内外项目进展 - 1 -
1.2.1国内项目进展 - 1 -
1.2.2国外项目状况 - 2 -
2 项目区概况和内容 - 4 -
2.1项目建设必要性 - 4 -
2.2项目区概况 - 4 -
2.3项目内容 - 5 -
3 主体工程概况 - 6 -
3.1工程土石方 - 6 -
3.1.1表土剥离堆存 - 6 -
3.1.2建构筑物区基坑开挖回填 - 6 -
3.1.3道路、广场及管线工程区场地覆土平整 - 6 -
3.1.4景观绿地区景观绿化覆土 - 7 -
3.2施工组织及施工工艺 - 8 -
4 水土流失防治责任范围及分区 - 9 -
5 水土流失预测 - 10 -
5.1土壤侵蚀模数 - 10 -
5.2水土流失预测 - 12 -
5.3水土流失危害 - 14 -
6 水土流失防治分区与措施总体布局与主要工程 - 15 -
6.1工程措施 - 15 -
6.2植物措施 - 18 -
7 水土保持监测 - 20 -
7.1监测点位 - 20 -
7.2监测内容 - 20 -
7.3监测时段 - 21 -
8 水土保持投资概算及效益分析 - 22 -
9 结论及建议 - 24 -
9.1水土保持方案效益分析结论 - 24 -
9.2主体工程水土保持分析评价结论 - 24 -
9.3综合分析结论 - 24 -
9.4建议 - 24 -
致 谢 - 26 -
参考文献 - 27 -
附件 - 28 -
附图1 项目总平面设计图 - 28 -
附图2 项目防治责任范围及分区图 - 29 -
附图3 项目防治措施总体布局图 - 30 -
附图4 水土保持监测点位布置图 - 31 -
水土流失目前已经成为了一个全球性问题[1]影响水土保持的主要因素有很多,其中一个关键点就是地形。地形是影响土壤和环境的诸多因素中最为重要的一项,在同一地区其他成土条件类似情况下,往往因地形的不同而导致土壤养分的空间变异[2]。例如王超等人通过分析了我国地形起伏幅度的分布证明了其在区域水土保持中的重要地位[3]。不仅如此城市房地产项目在开发建设的过程中会扰动地表、破坏原有水土保持设施, 如果开发的过程中不做好水保措施, 也会加剧城市水土流失[4]。对城市垃圾的不当处理也会导致土壤侵蚀、城市固体废物、工业废渣、弃土、弃渣处理不当, 可能堵塞河流, 造成环境污染, 也是造成或加剧城市水土流失的重要因素之一[5]。本项目还将从水土保持角度,补充提出工程施工过程中的工程措施、临时防护及管理措施等。采取实测调查分析法确定不同预测单元水土流失预测参数和水土流失量, 并对其可能产生的水土流失危害进行分析, 为水土保持防治措施布置及水土保持监测提供指导意见[6]。
我国虽然坚持以科学发展观为指导思想,提倡土地可持续利用概念和技术,并进一步深化我国的水土保持项目工作[7]。但由于我国对开发建设项目水土保持的项目起步较晚,对水土流失预测的概念 、内容还存在着不同的理解,所以我国水土保持方案一般都是借鉴国外的水土保持方案编制。目前国内水土保持方案制定步骤是以下几步:水土流失防治责任范围的界定,水土流失预测(水土流失预测时段划分,土壤侵蚀模数的确定,水土流失预测方法,水土流失预测成果),确定水土流失防治目标,水土流失防治分区,水土流失防治措施以及水土保持监测。对可能造成水土流失的建设项目以及产生水土流失的原因、特点、分布, 以及由城市引起的土壤侵蚀的未来发展趋势进行深入分析[8]。
在方案编制初期, 我国许多单位都统一采用美国通用土壤流失方程进行水土流失预测。由于我国的地形地貌的特殊,所跨地形差异巨大,在水土流失观测、实验、项目方法和代表性方面还难以满足土壤侵蚀预报方程的运用 ,如果大范围套用一个模型会导致预测结果的准确性还经不起推敲, 操作性比较差。