摘 要
Planning of Suzhou Jincang Lake Wetland Park Based on Water Quality Protection
Wetland is known as the "kidney of the earth", which has great environmental regulation and ecological benefits. In his report to the 19th national congress of the communist party of China (CPC), Wetland park is an effective way to protect wetlands. However, the situation of wetland resource protection and development in China is very serious. The decline of wetland diversity and the deterioration of wetland water quality are particularly prominent, which requires more attention and support to wetland protection. Wetland park is an important part of wetland protection system. The development and construction of wetland park can not only mobilize social forces to participate in wetland protection and sustainable development, but also facilitate the restoration of wetland ecosystem and water quality, so as to give full play to the multiple functions of wetland.
Jincanghu wetland park is located in the southwest of Taicang city, the northeast side of the city, Taicang city government focus on creating the city behind the garden, is the town's ecological business card. The construction of Jincang Lake wetland park will be more conducive to solving the contradiction of park land use, strengthening the scientific protection and management of the park, and giving full play to the city's "kidney and lung" function.
Based on water quality protection as the foothold, through drainage and water quality protection planning, key construction project planning, water bank protection planning, water recovery planning and habitat restoration planning, etc., water, give attention to two or morethings shoreline and lakeside function coordination of three levels, get through the water, removing silt, purify water quality, the rational allocation of aquatic plants, the wetland formation of reasonable water circulation cycle, increase spatial heterogeneity on the form design of profile, improve the biodiversity of the wetland. The restoration of the regional ecological environment of Jincang Lake and its transformation into a natural and ecological urban wetland park provide a demonstration for the ecological construction of wetlands in China's economically developed areas.
Key words:wetland park; Water quality; Jincang lake; planning
目 录
1绪论 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 国内外研究概况 2
1.3 研究目的与意义 2
2基本情况 4
2.1 自然地理条件 4
2.1.1地理区位 4
2.1.2 气候条件 4
2.1.3 地质地貌 5
2.1.4 水系水文水质 5
2.2湿地公园建设与旅游现状 7
2.2.1 湿地公园建设现状 7
2.2.2 湿地公园旅游现状 7
3湿地公园建设的必要性和可行性 9
3.1湿地公园建设的必要性 9
3.1.1 丰富的生物资源 9
3.1.2 独特的人工湿地资源 9
3.1.3 优越的风景资源 10
3.2湿地公园建设的可行性 10
4功能分区规划 11
4.1 分区原则 11
4.2 分区设置 11
4.3 用地类型统计 13
5 水系和水质保护规划 14
5.1 水系水质现状 14
5.2 水系保护规划 14
5.3水质保护规划 14
5.4重点建设工程 15
5.4.1生态拦污工程 15
5.4.2湖泊水质净化 15
5.4.3湖区清淤工程 15
6水岸保护规划 17
6.1 水岸现状 17
6.2 水岸形式选择 17
6.3 水岸保护规划 18
6.3.1滨湖带驳岸 18
6.3.2塘埂生态驳岸 18
7 水体恢复规划 19
7.1 水体恢复 19
7.1.1岛屿生态恢复 19
7.1.2浅滩湿地恢复 19
7.2 水质恢复 19
8 栖息地(生境)恢复规划 21
8.1 鸟类栖息地恢复 21
8.2 鱼类栖息地恢复 21
8.3 其他野生动物栖息地恢复 21
9 湿地植物恢复规划 23
9.1湿地植物多样性恢复 23
9.2 湿地乔灌木恢复 23
结 语 24
致 谢 25
参考文献 26
附图 27
附图1 湿地分布现状图 27
附图2 流域水系图 28
附图3 功能分区图 29
附图4 土地利用规划图 30
附图5 水系规划图 31
附图6 恢复规划工程图 32
1.1 研究背景