摘 要
Evaluation of zhenjiang forest resources based on sustainable development of forest
Forest is the core of global ecological environment problem,promoting the completion of urban forests can promote the construction of ecological civilization, improve the living environment and enhance the overall competitiveness of the region.However, with the development of urbanization, urban forests are decreasing and urban ecological environment is becoming more and more serious,therefore, it is particularly important to promote the sustainable development of urban forests.This paper takes zhenjiang city as the research area and applies the second-class survey data of forest resources investigated by zhenjiang forestry bureau in 2012,using Arcgis, Excel and other software to extract and calculate the data of forest species structure, tree species structure, age group structure, diameter level structure and so on,according to the data, the present situation of sustainable development of zhenjiang urban forest is systematically analyzed.
The results show:The sustainable development of zhenjiang urban forest has not reached the ideal state,the results showed that the structure of forest species was unreasonable, the structure of age group was unreasonable and the structure of diameter grade was unreasonable.The structure of forest species is unreasonable:(1)The area and volume of shelter forest are 42% and 23%, respectively,the area and volume of timber stands were 46% and 67%, respectively, and the economic forests were only 2% and 1%, respectively.(2)Age group structure is unreasonable:The area ratio of medium and young forest is as high as 78%, and the accumulation ratio of young forest, medium age forest and mature forest is 20:45:14.(3)The diameter class structure is unreasonable:The accumulation ratio of small diameter wood, medium diameter wood and large diameter wood was 24:25:1, and the distribution of the accumulation according to the diameter order was unreasonable.
The research shows that the sustainable development of zhenjiang urban forest has not reached the ideal state, so under the guidance of the forestry theory of sustainable development, this paper puts forward the corresponding measures to realize the sustainable development of zhenjiang urban forest.Specific measures include:(1)We will adjust forest quality and strengthen forest management and protection.(2)Carry out classified management, raise level of economic forest management.(3)We will establish and improve the legal system and strengthen law enforcement.(4)Area construction, improve afforestation result.(5)Establish a mechanism to adapt to market rules.(6)Scientific management to form a management system.
Key words:forest resources;Sustainable development;the status quo;Implement way
目 录
第一章 前 言 1
1.1研究背景与意义 1
1.2概念与定义 1
1.2.1城市森林 1
1.2.2可持续发展 2
1.3城市森林及其发展 2
1.3.1城市森林在国外的发展 2
1.3.2城市森林在国内的发展 3
1.4城市森林可持续发展研究现状 3
1.4.1国外研究情况 3
1.4.2国内研究现状 3
1.5城市森林可持续发展的意义 4
1.5.1推进生态文明建设 4
1.5.2改善人居环境 4
1.5.3提高地区综合竞争力 4
第二章 研究区概况与研究方法 6
2.1研究区概况 6
2.1.1地理位置 6
2.1.2地形地貌 6
2.1.3水文气候 6
2.1.4植被资源 6
2.2研究方法 6
2.2.1可持续发展理论 7
2.2.2可持续发展调整模型 7
第三章 结果与分析 9
3.1森林资源现状 9
3.1.1林业用地内各地类面积构成 9
3.1.2林木资源质量 9
3.2森林资源结构 9
3.2.1林种结构 9
3.2.2龄组结构 12
3.2.3树种结构 13
3.2.4径级结构 15
3.3可持续发展现状评价 16
3.3.1林种结构不合理 16
3.3.2林龄结构不合理 16
3.3.3径级结构不合理 16
3.4龄组结构调整 16
3.5森林可持续经营建议 17
3.5.1调整森林质量,加强森林管护 17
3.5.2实行分类经营,提高经济林管理水平 18
3.5.3建立健全法制,提高执法力度 18
3.5.4分区建设,提高绿化成果 18
3.5.5建立适应市场规律的机制 19
3.5.6制定科学经营方法,形成管理体系 19
第四章 总结与讨论 20
4.1总结 20
4.2讨论 20
致 谢 21
参考文献 22
第一章 前 言