摘 要
Comparison and Analysis of the Morphological Characteristics of Different Chinese Fir Selective Trees
Chinese fir needle body is a very important structure of the tree body. It is an important place for photosynthesis, transpiration and respiration. It has a very important influence on the growth of Chinese fir. This experiment investigated 175 clones and 470 samples of Chinese fir needles in the 4th generation germplasm resource bank of Yangkou State-owned Forest Farm in Fujian Province. The different phenotypic characteristics of the needles included the length and width of the needles. The differences between the density of raw and the color of new leaves were compared and analyzed, and classified according to different phenotypic characteristics, which provided a theoretical basis for selecting the ideal plant type for growth of Chinese fir. The results showed that:
- There were significant differences in the length, width and sitting density of Chinese fir needles between different clones (plt;0.05), and the coefficients of variation were 23%, 16% and 16%, respectively, indicating the three phenotypes in the needles. Among the traits, the length of the needle has a considerable variation.
- There was no significant negative correlation between needle length and width, and there was no correlation between needle sitting density and length and width, indicating that there was no significant correlation between these three phenotypes of Chinese fir needles in this population. The three do not affect each other.
- Cluster analysis showed that 23.4% were long hard type of needle, 57.9% were long soft type of needle, 14.9% were short hard type of needle, and 3.8% were short soft type of needle. Among them, the selected trees of 58, 114, 14, 172, 96, 120, and 77 have different types of conifers on different strains of the same clone. The cause may be related to light, grafted rootstocks, etc.
- The color of the new leaves is mostly cyan, accounting for 93.9% of the sample, and a small part is yellow, accounting for 6.1% of the sample, indicating that the growth characteristics of cyan fir are excellent, which can provide excellent genetic material for the next generation of Chinese fir seed orchard.
Keywords: Chinese fir;elite tree;needlesvariation;Cluster analysis
目 录
1 前言 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 国内外叶片研究 1
1.3 试验的目的与意义 2
2研究材料与方法 4
2.1 材料与方法 4
2.1.1 材料来源与试验地概况 4
2.1.2 采样方法 4
2.1.3 测量方法 4
2.2 统计分析方法 5
3结果和分析 7
3.1 针叶性状正态性检验 7
3.2 杉木针叶表型的差异分析 8
3.3 针叶长度、宽度、坐生密度三者间的相关分析 9
3.4 杉木无性系针叶的聚类分析 10
3.5 杉木新叶颜色统计 13
4 结论与讨论 14
4.1 结论 14
4.2 讨论 15
致谢 16
参考文献 17
附录A 18
表1 总样本聚类分析表 18
1 前言
1.1 研究背景
杉木(Cunninghamia lanceolata)杉科乔木类,裸子植物门,属松柏纲松柏目,又被称为沙木、沙树等[1]。杉木是我国特有的树种,也是我国南方重要的商品用材木[2]。我国南方的降水量充足,温度较高,杉木作为我国南方特有的树种,水分和温度对其生长影响并不大。因其分布广阔,生长迅速,产量较高,且材质佳,故用途极为广泛[3],又因质地软,蕴含香气,容易加工,耐腐蚀力强,且不受白蚁蛀食,可做成各种类型的生活用品、建材用品(如桥梁、矿柱、电线杆、家具等),或木纤维的工业原料等。
1.2 国内外叶片研究
1.2.1 我国杉木研究进展