摘 要
为了明确间伐对土壤理化性质和土壤酶活性的影响程度,本文以南京市溧水林场31年生杉木(Cunninghamia 1anceolata( Lamb.)Hook.)人工林为研究对象,研究了在4种间伐强度下(对照组CK,弱度间伐LIT 30%,中度间伐MIT 50%,强度间伐 HIT 70%)根际土壤酶活性的变化规律。结果表明:
Effects of Thinning on Soil Rhizosphere Enzyme Activities in Chinese Fir Plantations
In order to clarify the mechanism of the effect of thinning on soil physical and chemical properties and soil enzyme activity, this paper studied the 31-year-old Chinese fir plantation in Qinshui Forest Farm of Nanjing, and studied under four kinds of thinning intensity (control group CK, weak thinning LIT 30%, Moderately thinning MIT 50%, intensity thinning HIT 70%) changes in rhizosphere soil enzyme activity.
The results show:
(1) Dehydrogenase and sucrase showed significant differences in rhizosphere and non-rhizosphere activity regardless of the intensity of the thinning (Plt;0.05). Acid phosphatase and peroxidase showed significant differences only in the rhizosphere soil and non-rhizosphere soil under MIT (Plt;0.05), and the activities in the rhizosphere were greater than those in the non-rhizosphere.
(2) In rhizosphere soil, thinning can significantly increase the activity of acid phosphatase and dehydrogenase. In this experiment, acid phosphatase activity LITgt;MITgt;LITgt;CK, dehydrogenase activity LITgt;MITgt;CKgt;HIT. However, the activity of invertase decreased with the increase of thinning intensity. Peroxidase, urease, and beta-glucosidase did not show significant differences at different thinning intensities.
(3) Thinning can affect soil enzyme activity by affecting the physical and chemical properties of the soil. Among them, sucrase and dehydrogenase are more affected by soil physical and chemical properties, mainly by PH; SOC; TN; available nitrogen; DOC.
In summary, compared with the CK group, MIT can significantly increase the rhizosphere soil enzyme activity. This study can provide a theoretical basis for the scientific management of Chinese fir plantation.
Key words: Thinning; Chinese fir; Rhizosphere soil; Enzyme activity
目 录
1. 前言 1
1.1研究背景 1
1.2 国内外研究进展 1
1.2.1 根际土壤理化性质 1
1.2.2 根际微生物 2
1.2.3 土壤酶活性 2
1.2.4 间伐对土壤的理化性质的影响 2
1.2.5 间伐对土壤微生物的影响 3
1.2.6 间伐对土壤酶活性的影响 3
2.研究地概况与研究方法 5
2.1研究地概况 5
2.1.1 气候 5
2.1.2 土壤 5
2.1.3 植被 5
2.2 研究方法 5
2.2.1 土壤理化性质测定 5
2.2.2 土壤微生物量测定 5
2.2.3 土壤酶活性的测定 5
2.3 样地设置 6
2.4 数据处理及统计分析 6
3.研究结果 7
3.1间伐对根际与非根际土壤酶活性的影响 7
3.1.1 酸性磷酸酶 7
3.1.2 过氧化物酶 8
3.1.3 脲酶 8
3.1.4 β-葡糖苷酶 9
3.1.5 脱氢酶 10
3.1.6 蔗糖酶 11
3.3根际土壤各种酶之间的相关性分析 12
4 分析与讨论 13
5.结论 15
致 谢 16
参考文献 17
1. 前言
杉木是一种速生常绿树种,在我国已有超过1000年的种植历史[1]。由于杉木木材具有生长快、材质优良、产量高等特性,获得了广大产区人民的认可和喜爱,成为重要的建筑用材,其对增加林农收入、发展社会经济、加快国家建设等作出了巨大贡献[2]。 现阶段我国杉木人工林面临的主要问题有杉木林地力衰退等。其主要原因是种植密度过大,轮伐期不断缩短。
土壤酶是一类参与土壤中有毒物质的降解,土壤养分的循环和利用的特殊的蛋白质 [4]。土壤酶活性容易受土壤理化性质和有机质含量的影响,同时土壤酶的活性又影响着土壤凋落物的分解和根际微环境。植物根际微生物数量、酶活性存在明显的时间异质性和空间异质性。植物的大小、种类对根际微生物数量、酶活性也具有显著的影响 [5]。土壤中酶的活性对植被的生长发育,乃至生态系统顶级群落的稳定中起着至关重要的作用。