摘 要
Effects of the duration of free-range chicken raising on soil phosphorus fractionation in poplar plantations
In the poplar plantations, it is a highly efficient agro-forestry compound management mode to raise free-range chicken. However, with the different duration of raising chicken in the poplar plantations, the forms of soil phosphorus will be affected. In this study, the poplar plantations soil with different duration of raising chicken was used as the research object. By using Hedley soil phosphorus fractionation methods that had been improved by Tiessen and others, we analyzed the contents and characteristics of different forms of P in different depth soil under different duration of raising chicken, and discussed the effects of the duration of raising free-range chicken on characteristics and effectiveness of soil phosphorus. The results provide some data supports for poplar plantations management.
The most important effects of the duration of raising free-range chicken on soil phosphorus are due to the activities and the excreta of the chicken flocks. The activities of chicken flocks change the physical properties of the soil. The phosphorus contained in excreta can be released into soil after decomposition and soil properties can be changed by excreta. The results showed that the contents of total P and available P in the soil of poplar plantations was enhanced by raising free-range chicken. And the degree of effects decreases with the deepening of the soil. Specifically, the contents of total P increased 0.22mg/g in 0-5cm soil after 5 years raising; the contents of available P such as NaHCO3-P increased with the increase of the duration of raising free-range chicken. It increased 0.15mg/g than contrast forest in the 0-5cm soil after 5 years raising. The contents of D.HCl-Pi which is difficult to be use by plants are decreased by 0.04mg/g than contrast forest in 0-5cm soil after 5 years raising.
Key words: poplar plantations; free-range chicken raising; forms of soil phosphorus; soil phosphorus fractionation
目 录
1 前言 1
1.1立题依据及研究意义 1
1.2国内外研究进展 2
1.2.1杨树人工林研究概况 2
1.2.2林下养殖对林地土壤性状影响的研究 4
1.2.3土壤磷元素循环的相关研究 5
1.2.4森林土壤磷形态及其有效性研究 6
1.2.5土壤磷素的分级方法相关研究 7
2 主要研究内容 9
3 研究区概况 11
4 研究方法 12
4.1 试验设计及样品采集小区的设置 12
4.2样品测定指标及方法 12
4.2.1土壤全磷的测定 12
4.2.2 土壤磷素分级 12
5 结果与分析 15
5.1不同养鸡年限下杨树人工林土壤全磷含量比较 15
5.2不同养鸡年限下杨树人工林土壤有机磷和无机磷变化特征 16
5.3不同养鸡年限下杨树人工林土壤Hedley磷素分级结果与比较 17
5.4不同养鸡年限林地土壤磷素各形态的权重变化 20
6 结论与讨论 22
6.1林下养鸡年限对杨树人工林土壤全磷的影响 22
6.2林下养鸡年限对杨树人工林土壤不同提取态磷的影响 22
致 谢 25
参考文献 27
1 前言