摘 要
本试验以水紫树为材料,通过人工施加胁迫,调查了其在40 d内淹水条件下存活率、生长变化和生理生化反应,以探讨水紫树耐涝性机制及为育种改良提供理论依据,也为我国丰富城市绿化树种和城市湿地改造等提供一定的参考。综合以上的试验分析内容,得出主要结论如下所示:
(1)在存活方面,短期(40 d)的淹水并未对水紫树的成活造成不良影响,两组水紫树的成活率均达到了100%。
(3)在生理生化方面,淹水处理对水紫树的可溶性糖含量、乙醛脱氢酶和过氧化物酶的活性的影响不显著(Pgt;0.05);显著提高丙二醛和过氧化氢的含量以及超氧化物歧化酶的活性(Plt;0.05)。40 d的试验期间,可溶性糖和过氧化氢含量呈现不同程度缓缓上升;而乙醛脱氢酶和过氧化物酶的活性变化趋势则为大致的“A”形;丙二醛含量变化曲线是大致的“正弦函数”形状;超氧化物歧化酶的活性变化则为大致的“余弦函数”状。其中,处理组可溶性糖含量、乙醛脱氢酶和过氧化物酶活性只有在试验结束时与对照的有显著差异(Plt;0.005,Plt;0.005,Plt;0.05);处理组的丙二醛含量高于对照则是10 d后开始的(Plt;0.05);而超氧化物歧化酶活性是在后20 d时处理组显著高于对照(Plt;0.05);只有过氧化氢含量在40 d的试验中是始终高于对照的(Plt;0.005)。
Study on the influences of physiology of Nyssa aquatica under flooding stress
In this study, Nyssa aquatica was used as material. By artificially exerting stress, the survival rate, the changes of growth and physiological and biochemical reaction of Nyssa aquatica under the flooding stress in 40 days were investigated, to explore the mechanism of resistance to flooding and provide theoretical basis for breeding and improvement. It also will provide some references for China to enrich urban greening tree species and urban wetland transformation. Based on the above analysis, the main conclusions are as follows:
(1) In terms of survival, short-term (40 days) flooding stress did not affect survival of Nyssa aquatica, and the rates of two groups of Nyssa aquatica reached 100%.
(2) In terms of growth, flooding significantly promoted the growth of Nyssa aquatica height and ground diameter (Plt;0.001), which increased by 399.03% and 267.97% respectively compared with the control.
(3) In terms of physiological and biochemical, the effects of flooding stress on the soluble sugar content, the activity of acetaldehyde dehydrogenase and peroxidase were not significant (Pgt;0.05), and significantly increased the content of malondialdehyde and hydrogen peroxide and the activity of superoxide dismutase (P lt;0.05) . During the 40 days trial period, the content of soluble sugar and hydrogen peroxide increased slowly, while the activity of aldehyde dehydrogenase and peroxidase was roughly "A", and the change curve of malondialdehyde content was roughly "sine function" shape, and the activity of superoxide dismutase was roughly "cosine function". And, the soluble sugar content, acetaldehyde dehydrogenase and peroxidase activity in the treatment group were significantly different from those in the control group at the end of the study (Plt;0.005,Plt;0.005,Plt;0.05). And the malondialdehyde content in the treatment group was significantly higher than that of the control (Plt;0.005) after 10th day, while the activity of superoxide dismutase in the treatment group was significantly higher than that in the control group after 20th day (Plt;0.05); only hydrogen peroxide content in the 40 days study was always higher than that in the control group (Plt;0.005).
To sum up, Nyssa aquatica is extremely resistant to flooding. Short term flooding has a positive effect on its growth, and its effects on some physiological indexes are not significant. Therefore, the selection of Nyssa aquatica as an alternative afforestation tree species in some waterlogged area, or wetland and park which has long-term saturation of soil moisture are very advantageous.
Key words:Nyssa aquatica; flooding stress; growth; physiological indexes
目 录
前言 1
1 文献综述 2
1.1 水紫树概况 2
1.1.1 水紫树生物学特性 2
1.1.2 水紫树的抗性研究进展 2
1.2 淹水胁迫下植物形态变化 3
1.3 淹水胁迫对植物生理特性的影响 5
1.3.1 淹水胁迫下渗透调节物质的变化 5
1.3.2 淹水胁迫下乙醇脱氢酶的变化 6
1.3.3 淹水胁迫下氧化物及抗氧化酶系统的变化 7
1.4 展望 8
2 试验材料和研究方法 9
2.1 试验地概况 9
2.2 试验材料与试验设计 9
2.3 指标测定及方法 9
2.3.1 形态指标的测定 9
2.3.2 生理指标的测定 9
2.4 数据处理 10
3 结果与分析 11
3.1 淹水胁迫下水紫树的苗木成活率 11
3.2 淹水胁迫对水紫树生长量的影响 11
3.2.1 淹水胁迫对苗高的影响 11
3.2.2 淹水胁迫对地径的影响 11
3.3 淹水胁迫对水紫树渗透调节物质的影响 12
3.3.1 淹水胁迫下对可溶性糖含量的影响 12
3.4 淹水胁迫对水紫树乙醇脱氢酶活性的影响 13
3.5 淹水胁迫对水紫树氧化物含量及抗氧化酶活性的影响 13
3.5.1 淹水胁迫对水紫树丙二醛含量的影响 13
3.5.2 淹水胁迫对水紫树过氧化氢含量的影响 14